Turistika jako důležitá součást mého života – anglicky
Tourism is an important part of my life
Tourism is an important part of my life because I was born in town where is tourism very extensive. My home town is mountain and spa town Jeseník on North Moravia. In Jeseník are famous spa that found Vincenze Priessnitze. In outskirts are castles, chateaux, outdoor museums, view-towers, war memorials and several ski slopes. I grew up in tourism. We often rode with my family on trips and recognising cities and their interests. I was very like it and that´s why I decided to study tourism so that one could travel around the world.
I finished studies at Hotel school orientated on tourism. I like travelling and recognising new countries, people, monuments and typical traditions. I work as barmaid and waitress in hotel Radisson SAS in Prague. Our clientele forms mainly foreigners. If the stop foreigners going to Prague, Prague hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, guides and shops, lost a large amount of money and people would have lost their jobs and all of this would lead to the collapse of these firms.
Tourism is integral a part of political economy and tourism will be here evermore because people will be travelling and going on holiday all the time.