Plánování – anglicky
Planning means makiing plans or arrangements.
A plan is an idea or arrangements for doing or achieving somethong in the future.
We planbusiness strategy / company‘ future.
We discuss alternatives,future trends and innovations.
The top managers of a company have certain responbilities and one of them is making decisons affecting the future of the organization. These strategic decisions determine where the company is going and how it will get there. Before doing any kind of strategic planning, the management muse be sure of the mission and purpose of their business. In other words, they must know why the business exists. After that specific objectives are worked out and strategies to achieve them are indicated.
Making predictions + decisionOur turnover will increase.
We won’t go out of business.
If we want to set up business, we have to plan:
- sort of business
- premises and equipment
- staff
- start-up money
- ways of advertising
A SWOT analysis = a review of the company’s strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
- To do, to perform a SWOT analysis
- To ask and answwer questions:
S – What is the company’s greatest strength?
– What makes the company better?
W – What is the company’s greatest weakness?
– Where do the competitors have an advantage over us?
O – What is the company’s greatest opportunity?
– What future possibilities does the company have for increasing its business?
T – What is the company’s greatest threat?
– What is the greatest theat the company is facing?
– What threats do we face?
A STEP analysis is a useful business tool for examining ways in which organizations need to adapt to changing external environment. STEP stands for sociological, technological, ecconomic and political changes.
- sociological changes = people living longer, rising x falling unemployment
affect the customer base and availability of staff
- technological changes = computer and information technology, automation
affect the way we work
- ecconomic changes = interest rate changes, taxation changes, account changes
affect the company’s markets, profitability
- political changes = chnages in goverment, new laws and regulations
affect the way we conduct the business