Anglická slovíčka z oblasti ekonomie
(free) market economy black economy comparative advantage debt forgiveness
aboliton board of directors competition debtor
absolute monopoly bonus competition across the market debtors
abundant supplies boom competitive price decrease
accelerated depreciation borrowing rate competitiveness deficit
accept a bill brand competitor deflation
accession tax branch complex deflationary policy
added value breach of a contract conclude a contract deflator
adding census break-even point conclusions degressive tax
adjusting taxation brinding targets consensus deliver
administrative cost budget deficit constant price delivery terms
advertise budgetary policy constraint demand
ageing building industry consumer demand-side economics
aggregate business consumer basket department store
aggregate demand business appointment consumer goods depreciation
aggregate supply business cycle consumer price index depression
allocate business letter consumption devaluation
amount business negotiation consumption tax devalue
annual balance businessman consuption developing
anti-inflationary policy buyer contest development
anti-trust policy by-product contract difference
apreciation of a currency call money contractionary policy differentiation
area call option controlling diligence
assess tax calloping inflation convertibility direct cost
assessment cancel a contract convertible direct tax
assets capital gains tax cooperative directives
assortment capital goods corporate income tax dirty price
auction capital inflow cost of living discount
audit capital intensive economy cost-push inflation discount a bill
autonomous policy capital market counter-cyclical policy discount rate
available capital outflow counterpart discounted price
available resources capital stock credifors disinflation
average capital stoct credit card dismiss
average cost capped rate credit limit disposable income
backed by gold cash dispenser creeping inflation distribution
bad debt cash flow crisis, crises dividend
balance of output cash inflow crucial division of labour
balance of payments cash reserve currency option drawee
balance sheet central bank currency reserve drawer
balanced budget centrally planned current due amount
bank derivatives civil rights current assets easy money
bank money clearing price current period easy money policy
bank note closed economy current price economic
bank reserve closing price current year economic aid
bank transfer codes curve economic cost
bankruptcy cohesion custom economic field
bar graph coin custom economy economic order
bargain collect debt customs economical
barrier command economy customs duty economically
barrier to trade commerce customs tariff economics
barter commercial bank customs union economies of scale
barter deal commercial code cycle economies of scope
base rate commercial law cyclical unemployment economist
base year commission dealer economize on sth.
behaviour commodity dealig economy
benefit commodity money debenture efficiency
bilateral agreement common market debit card efficient
bill of exchange common stream debt egreement
bill of sight company policy debt financing elasticity of supply
eletronic transfer full-time job insolvency market forces
employment fund instability market managed economy
end product general equilibrium instalments market mechanism
endorse a bill general manager insurance market price
endorsement general meeting integrated economy market research
engineering industry geographical frontier interaction marketing
enrequited transfer gift tax interbank rate marxist economics
enterprise goal interest rate maternity benefit
enterprise goods interest rate option maturity of a bond
entrepreneur goodwill intermediary maturity of a loan
entrepreneurial government debt intermediate product maximization
enviroment government policy internal convertibility means of exchange
equation government purchases intervenein sth. means of payment
equity capital grant intervention means of production
estimate groos domestic product introductory price measure of value
evaluation gross national product investment bank measurement
evaluation credit rating health care investment rate measures
exchange heavy debt investor merger
exchange rate heavy industry invisible balance military defence
expansionary policy heterogenous invoice minimum reserve requirement
exploitation of resources hidden unemployment item mining
export highly developed economy job miraculous
export licence holding juristic person mode of payment
factor of production home trade key phenomenon moderate inflation
fail honour keynesian economics monetary instruments
failure horizontal axis labour monetary policy
family allovance horizontal integration labour cost monetary tools
favourable price hot money labour force money in circulation
favourable terms hourly rate laissez-faire money market
fiat money household land money order
figure hyperinflation land tax money supply
final product chamber of commerce large-scale privatization monopolistic competition
finance charge law of supply and demand monopoly
financial capital illiquid legal entity monopsony
financial market imbalance lend mortgage
financial means immovable property tax lending rate mortgage bank
fiscal instruments imperfect liabilities multilateral agreement
fiscal policy imperfect competition liability multiplier
fixed capital import liberalization national budget
fixed cost import licence light industry national budget deficit
fixed price income effect limited liability national debt
fixed rate income elasticity liquid national income
flexible price income tax liquid assets natural person
flexible rate indebtedness listed security natural rate of unemployment
foodstuffs indirect cost lombard rate needs
force indirect tax long-term negotiate a contract
forecast industrialized economy long-term goals negotiation
foreign capital industry long-term growth neo-classical economics
foreign debt inearned income long-term period neo-keynesian economics
foreign exchange inefficiency machine industry net exports
foreign exchange office infinite make (effect, execute) payment net income
foreign policy inflation management net investment
foreign trade inflation cost manpower net national product
forward price inflation rate mantinational company net profit
framework inflation spiral manufacturing industry network
free enterprise ingenuity margin new classical economics
free market inheritance tax marginal cost nominal income
frictional unemployment innovation market agents nominal price
full convertibility inpact market failure normative economics
note issue prime rate restriction specialization
objective principal restrictive policy specimen signature
obsolete private retail price spending pattern
offer private ownership retail trade sphere
oligopoly private property retailer spot price
open economy privatization retirement spread
opening price prodential ratio return on assets stabilization policy
opinion poll producer price index return on capital employed stabilizer
opportunity cost product innovation return on investment stable
option production cost return on owner´s equity stable currency
order production possibility frontier revaluation standard of living
outflow of money productivity revalue standing order
outlet productivity of labour revision of codes stock exchange
output productivity of production factors revision of laws stoctbroker
outstanding profitability risk structoral unemployment
outstanding debt promissory note road tax subject matter
overcapitalized economy proof of identification royalty charge subsidiary
overdraft property run a firm subsidies
overhead cost protection of environment salary subsidize
overheated economy protectionism saldo subsidy
overproduction public debt sale subsracting
overvaluation of currency public goods sale price substitute
overvalue public spending saleable commodities substitution effect
owerdraw purchase sales promotion supplier
owner purchasing power sales representative supply
packaging purchasing power parity sales tax supply and demand curves
partial convertibility pursue sales terms suppressed initiative
part-time job pursue a policy salesperson surcharge
party to a contract put option saturared market surplus
passive balance qualifications savings surplus balance
patent quality savings bank surplus value
patent quota scarce resources survey
pay off a debt quotation scarcity survive
payee rate of inflation scientifil findings také measures
payment card rate of investments scope take over a firm
payment order rate of return seasonal price takeover
payment terms ratio secondary industry target duty
per capita real consumption sector tax allowance
per head real estate sell tax base
perfect competition real income selling price tax credit
permission real price semi finished product tax evasion
personal income recession semi-products tax exempt
personal income tax recovery settlement price tax liability
personal loan recycling share tax proposals
pie chart redistribution shareholder tax rate
point of intersection redundancies shift tax return
political enomomy redundant shortage taxable income
political power registered firm short-term taxpayer
population registered share short-term growth terms of trade
portfolio investments regulations short-term period tertiary sphere
positive economics rent sign a contract the price rises
poster repay a loan social benefits thrifr institution
potential product repo rate social cost tight money
price elasticity reputation social fund time value
price policy requirement social market economy to afford
price rediction research social security to build from scratch
pricing reserve social security contribution to cease to exist
primary restitution solvency to deal with an issue
primary industry restore sophisticated to destinguish
to diversify valuable commodities
to endorse value added tax
to establish equilibrium variable
to exceed variable capital
to fill in a gap variable cost
to go bankrupt vertical axis
to intervene in the economy vertical integration
to make a decision volume
to make a loss vote
to make a profit voucher privatization
to manufacture wage fund
to meet wage policy
to penetrate the market wages
to process raw materials wants
to pursue a goal wants and needs
to raise the price wear and tear
to stick to welfare
to subsist welfare economy
to survive wholesale price
to turn out willing
to write of a debt witholding tax
toll workforce
total workforce
total cost working
total expenditure working capital
tradable security working hours
trade working population
trade agreement write off (a debt)
trade mark
trade name
trade policy
trade register
trade unions
traded security
transaction money
transition economy
tratidional economy
turning point
turnover tax
uncollectible debt
underdeveloped economy
undergroung economy
undervaluation of currency
unearned income
unemployment benefit
unemployment rate
unit cost
unlimited liability
unsaleable commodities
up market