The Czech republic is situated in temperate zone and we have a mild climate. There are four seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Spring starts on 21st March and it´s very beautiful season of year. Nature wakes up so spring is rich of flowers and baby animals. Many domestic animals have babies – they are very cute (for example: kittens, puppies, lambs, kids, piglets, chicks). In the garden we puts seeds in the ground – for example seeds of carrots, cucumbers, peas, radishes, cabbages and lettuce… Weather is changeable – often we have rainy morning and afternoon is full of sun. In spring we celebrate Easter too – its very favourite feast but only for boys 🙂 Spring is amazing season and for me is the most beautiful time of year.
Summer is charecteristic of high temperatures (more than 30 degreese). Children have holiday and they go to swimming pool, lake, camps, they play games with friends. In the garden we have first fruits and vegetable like a strawberries, cherries, radishes, peas… Weather is very hot, warm and dry. But often there are storms. It´s the most favourite season for children because the don´t have to go to school 🙂
Autumn begins on 23rd September and this season has changeable weather too. Often is cold, windy and in the morning is foggy. When the autumn is warm we called this: Indian summer. On this time some people like colours. Trees and their leafs are red, brown and yellow – so it´s very nice! In the garden we harvest fruits (apples, pears, peachs) and vegetable (potatoes,tomatoes,carrots). Favourite feast in this time is Halloween – with pumpkins, ghosts, witches and wizards.
Winter is the last season of the year. For this time is typical snow and frost. Everyone wear coat, boots, scarf and cap. Children have holiday, because we celebrate Christmas. We bake sweets, sing christmas carols, send christmas cards, decorate christmas tree…In Christmas Eve come small Jesus and give christmas presents to children 🙂 (In Great Britain people have Santa Claus) After Christmas we have last feast of year. We celebrate Happy New Year and every where we can see fireworks 🙂 Very popular sport in winter are skying and ice skating and for children – sledging and building a snowman.
Great Britain is in temperate zone too. They don´t have so strong winters and summers like in the Czech republic. And in whole GB very often it rains and sky is full of clouds.
důležitá slovíčka
cloud | mrak |
cold | chladno |
coool | chladno |
dry | sucho |
fog | mlha |
frost | mráz |
hot | vedro |
puddle | louže |
rain | pršet |
shine | svítit |
snow | sníh |
storm | bouře |
warm | teplo |
wet | mokro |