Green Issues
This is a very complicated matter as everything is interwined together. I will try to touch a few of the relevant fields, starting with global warming, animal extincion, energy conservation, etc..
Global warming
All of us have heard this term at least once. A great uproar in the general population about this issue started around the year 2004. The question is, is it such a problem? From the many thesis and scientific project we have been able to discover that global warming has in fact been around far longer than man. If it did not exist, the avarage temperature of Earth would be -18°C, meaning that most of the Earth’s organisms would have died out.
The cause for the global warming is a very complicated subject that is explained by interwining many scientific fields together and the impact of it is, for a lack of a better word, global. The best known culprit of this occurance is the greenhouse gas effect. It is caused by gases that accumulate in it outer shell of the atmosphere and keep sun beams trapped in it hence warming our Earth. These gases are produced by factories, cars but also by volcanic activity.
The most alarming impact of the global warming would be animal extinction that has been sped up because of the factors and consequences of the global warming. If the reason for this speeding up cannot slow this almost animal genocide what is to stop it from wiping out mankind?
Why is there such a ruckus about it? Mostly because this natural occurance has sky-rocketed since mankind started using technology that cause emmissions. It has been found out or corncerned with in the second part of the 20th century. But if you think that all this worrying find has caused only problems like emmission limitations than you are mistaken. If it weren’t for these restrictions we would not find the need to research emmission-less technology that uses sustainable energy sources. Who knows, maybe we would be living in a World where our everyday life would look ike this (show picture of China) instead of how we try to live it here and now.
Energy conservation has become a style of living. People that do not at least pretend they sort their trash might even get a glare from the fans. All the annoying things that society tries to bury deep inside our heads does have a positive effect as well. If only because we are now able to build houses that need little to none outside resources to keep warm in the winter or cool in the summer.
Vocabulary from the blackboard
carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide insecticides zabíjí hmyz
pesticides zabíjí plevel acid rain kyselý déšť
ultraviolet rays ultrafialové záření CFCs (chlorofluorocarbon) freony
ozone layer ozonová vrstva droughts sucho
lead olovo fossil fuels fosilní(nerostná) paliva
smog smoke + fog oil spill ropná skvrna
exhaust fumes výfukové plyny mercury rtuť
depletion snižování incinerator spalovna (odpadů)
sewage kanalizace fume výpary
endangered species ohrožené druhy soot saze
rubbish tips skládka odpadů catalytic converter katalyzátor
game reserve rezervace zvířat eradicate vyhubit, zničit
detergents čistící prostředek
fertilizers hnojivo
junk yards skládka