Various life attitudes and priorities
- Family background, role models in the family
- Social background – whole society, the family in the society; where we grow up, who are our parents, family pressure…
- Country × city; growing up in big cities or in villages; geographical position
- People around – right or wrong direction; people you meet on your walk of life (people from all walk of life – poor-rich, old-young, black-white…)
- Establishment – the place where you grow up; state system; 1989 – the turning point
- Education, religion – the Catholics and atheists have different view on live, too. Some women get married as a virgin and they are against the divorce…
- Mass media – a big impact on our live; the advertisement is everywhere around us. It started in 1989 – it is a turning point, because the old regime was destroyed; the competition started…
- Unique/special experiences
- Our appearance, physical condition, handicaps – physical, mental…
- Health – some people don’t have a chance to study, because they are handicapped. Especially people on the wheelchairs, they don’t have a chance to normal life… it is hard just move for them.
- Age – what we think when we are 10 years old, we don’t have to think it when we are 20. Our thinking is changing everyday… Now, I’m a student and I want to study, when I will be a mother I will want to do everything best for my child
- Sex – women and men have a different life, too. Especially they have a different view on live. Women are mothers and they usually stay at home with a child; because of the society is still changing, today some men stay at home with the child and women can make a carrier…
- Jobs (part-time jobs), hobbies – what we want to do in the future
- Color of skin, races
- Free will – belief, destiny, God
- Talent, intelligence… self-sufficiency, self-confidency
- Fortune, luck – you win lottery → your priorities will change
Meeting people – right time, right place
Some people are child of the fortune as a Shakespeare. He wanted to prove his talent, so he went to London and had luck. The Queen Elisabeth liked his work, so he became famous…
- Global × personal priorities
- Mood, emotions
- Pro-life – which is against the abortion
Pro-choice – parents have a chance to decide have a child/don’t have a child – if they want to do a carrier and they don’t have enough money to have a child, the woman can go to abortion…
- The EU × our country
× individual priorities
- Global issues – people have a different view and priorities of taking a care of earth and theirs bodies. Some people keep earth clear, without waste and some people ignore the ecologic problems, they don’t respect the endangered species and they hunt the in danger species
Other themes to talk
- multicultural relationships, marriages
→ consequences
→ children´s suffering
- selfish ignorance of the richest countries, nations
- oil slick/soil
- melting glaciers
- lot of species are on the bring of extinction
- genetical engineering, modified food, cloning (song of the future)
- civilization diseases
cancer, hard attack, disorders, high-blood pressure, high cholesterol
new viruses → more and more resistance
diabetesobesity [oubísíty]; stress, depression, mental disorders, workoholism
too many people use too many antibiotics → more and more resistance
- rich × poor
- high × low birth rate
- terrorism and how we fight against it
- religious fanaticism – where do they recruit these people? suicidal bombers → blow up
- biological weapons
- weapons of mass destruction
- future missions to the universe → should we invest too much money to the universe?
- renewable resources
- economic prices, crises, corruptions