Capital: Washington D.C.
Other towns: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Diego, Detroit, Dallas, Phoenix, San Antonio, San José, Indianapolis, Baltimore, San Francisco, New Orleans, St. Luis, Atlanta
Currency: US dollar = 100 cents
Language: English (official), Spanish
Head of state and government: Barack Obama (2008)
Geography, climate
The USA is the fourth largest country of the world after Russia, Canada and China. They border on Mexico in the south, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, Canada in the north and the Pacific Ocean in the west.
The United States of America is a federation of 50 states.
Part of the USA is Alaska in the north of the American continent and the Hawaiian Islands.
On the border with Canada there are five Great Lakes. Their names are Ontario, Superior, Erie, Huron and Michigan. Between the lakes Ontario and Erie are the Niagara Falls. It is very popular destination for tourists. The largest rivers are the Mississippi and Missouri.
The climate of the USA is varied from the Artic climate in the north to the subtropical climate in the south.
The highest point is Mount McKinley in Alaska (20 000 feet above sea level). The lowest point is in Death Valley, California (200 feet below sea level).
The official language of USA is American English. It differs form the British English in spelling, pronunciation and vocabulary.
America was discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus. He wanted to find a shorter way to India and prove that the Earth was round. When he landed he thought he was in India, so he called the native people Indians. Indians were living mostly from agriculture, hunting, gathering and fishing.
The United States was officially founded on July 4, 1776. This was the date the former British
colonies declared their independence and Americans celebrate the July 4th as the Day of Independence.
Political system
The USA is Representational federal republic based on a strong constitution. The government is divided into three branches: the Executive, Legislative and Judicial (výkonná, zákonodárná, soudní). There are two main political parties: the Republicans (conservative) and the Democrats (liberal). New President of the USA was elected last year. After Georg Bush is in the White House Barack Obama. He is first black American president.
The most favourite president was John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1961-1963). His time in the White House was very short, but his charisma and the charms or his elegant wife Jackie made him one of the America’s best-loved presidents. He was assassinated on 22 November 1963 in Dallas, Texas.
There are many ethnic groups in the US. Five basic categories are: white 81,7%, black 12,9%, Asian 4,2% and Amerindian and Alaska native, native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders.
One of the largest ethnic groups Hispanic is not an official ethnic group.
One of the most popular holidays in America is Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November) when people thanks for their lives and country. The main summer holiday is Independence Day, July 4th, celebrating the day when the US declared independence from Britain in 1776.
The US flag nicknamed the “Stars and Stripes” has 13 stripes of red and white representing the original 13 colonies of the new nation. The blue rectangle in the upper left corner contains 50 white stars, standing for 50 states. This flag has been in service since 1959 when the last two stars were added (representing Alaska and Hawaii).
We can find almost all branches of industry here – manufacturing, steel, automobile, clothing and electronics. The main agricultural products are corn, fruits and vegetables, cotton and tobacco. The USA is rich in coal, gold, copper and iron.
Places of interest in the USA
Yellowstone National Park – established in 1872 on the territory of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. The largest and oldest nature reserve in the USA. There is geyser area with hot springs. The most remarkable is Old Faithful. It includes spectacular falls and impressive canyons of the Yellowstone River.
Boston – a port, it is often called the Cradle of Liberty. Remembered for the Boston Tea Party which began the American Revolution in 1775.
Cambridge – separated from Boston by the Charles River. There is seat of Harvard University.
Las Vegas – famous for rodeo festivals and casino gambling which was legalized here in 1931
Los Angeles – known for Hollywood, the centre of the film industry