-Ideas and problems
The first Olympic Games took place in Olympia in 776 B.C. and the event lasted five days. They were held every four year during the summer months. During the event wars had to be stopped. Only men who had no cloths could compete in 10 disciplines: running, the pentathlon, jumping, discus, javelin, wrestling, boxing, the pancration (combination of wrestling and boxing), chariot racing, and horse racing. Every winner gained bay leaf wreath and he was celebrated like hero for the rest of his life. Women could be only watchers and owners of horses. In 146 A.D. Greece was defeated by Romans and lost its independence. The consequence of this was that in 394 A.D. the Games were prohibited.
In 1896 the first contemporary Olympic Games were organized. Their founder was Pierre de Coubertain. They took place in Athens and 13 countries participated in this event. The athletes competed in 9 kinds of sports and every winner gained bay leaf wreath diploma and gold medal.
Since 1924, there are two parts of the games – the summer and the winter ones, which take place in turns every 2 years since 1992.
Olympic sports are: summer ones: archery, athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Beach Volleyball,
Boxing, Canoe Slalom, Canoe Sprint, Cycling
Mountain Bike, Cycling Road, Cycling Track, Diving, Fencing,
Football, gymnastics, handball, Hockey, Judo, Rowing….
Winter ones: curling, snowboarding, speed skating, ice hockey, ski jumping,
alpine skiing, biathlon, skeleton, figure skating…
The Olympic flag contain five rings colored blue, yellow, black, green and red. They symbolize 5 continents and they are joined together as a symbol of friendship and cooperation. The flag was originally designed in 1912 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games. The Olympic flag was first used in 1920.
In Olympia in the temple o Hera there is the Olympic fire. Before the start of the Olympic Games athletes come to the temple to lit up the Olympic torch. With the torch they travel throughout the world to place where the Olympics take place. There the Olympic fire is lit up.
The Olympic motto is CITIUS, ALTIUS, FORTIUS, which means „Faster, Higher, Stronger“. The motto was introduced in 1924 at the Olympic Games in Paris. The other Olympics’ motto is „The most important thing is not to win but to take part!“
The first opening ceremony was in 1908 in Olympic Games in London. The procession of athletes is always led by the Greek team followed by all the other teams, in alphabetical order.
The Olympic Hymn, is played when the Olympic Flag is raised. It is a musical piece composed by Spyridon Samaras with words written by Kostis Palamas.
The Olympic mascot is usually an animal native to the area.
2014– Soči
2010– Vancouver- Sáblíková
2008– Beijing-Špotáková
2006- Torino- Neumannová
2004– Athens- Hilgertová, Šebrle
2002– Salt Lake City- Aleš Valenta gain gold medal in
2000-Sydney- Hilgertová, Železný
1998– Nagano- our ice hockey team won the Olympics games
During the time, when the Olympics are held there shouldn´t be any wars. During the time of ancient Olympics this rule was respected but nowadays there are wars. In my opinion it should be event that every country participates in, but some countries sabotage it. For example when the Olympics were in the USA, Russia didn’t participate.
I think that the athletes shouldn’t get paid for it, because they represent their own country.