Sports and Games
Sport and games are very important for active relaxation and are also important for our physical and mental health. The main difference between sport and game is that game is the „collective“ and the sport is more individual – it means football or basketball are games and e.g. tennis or swimming are sports.
We can practise some of sports and games indoor and some of them outdoor. In the first group there are e.g. ice-hockey, basketball, handball, figure skating or gymnastics and in the second group there are e.g. baseball, golf, winter sports such as skiing (slalom, down-hill, ski-jump), rellyes or riding. There are also sports for both indoor and outdoor – swimming, athletics (sprint, jump, javelin), football, tennis, volleyball etc. Some sports such as diving, windsurfing or racing can be quite dangerous and very expensive.
Many sports have their origin in Great Britain (England). The most specific is cricket, often called the „English national sport“. It has never been adopted in foreign countries (expect the Commonwealth states). Also football, golf and tennis are very popular there. Rugby (rugby football) is very popular in Scotland and has its origin there, quite popular are rowing and horse-riding too.
In the USA there are especially baseball and basketball (NBA), which have its origin there, ice-hockey (NHL) and golf very popular. There is a long tradition of school sport clubs at all of the high schools and collages. Many Americans exercise for good health every day – fitness and keeping fit is an important part of American way of life.
In our country has it¢s traditions mostly football (=socker in USA). We can find football stadium in almost all town or village. Another favourite sport in our country is ice-hockey.
Sport events
There are also very important world’s sport events. The most famous are The Olympic Games (the Olympics), which are held every four years and have got its summer and winter part, which change once every two years. The first recorded O.G. took place in Olympia in Greece in the year 776 BC. There exist many legend about the origin of the games. They were so important to Greeks, that even the wars were stopped during they took place.
Symbol of the Games is The Olympic Flag – there are five connected circles, each symbolised one continent (blue – Europe, black – Africa, red – America, yellow – Asia, green – Australia); and The Olympic Fire – it is traditionally lighted in Greek Olympia and moved to the city in which the Games are taking place, it burns during the OG.
Other important events (which are held annually or every two years) are Football World Cup, The Wimbledon tennis championship, The Formula One Championship and Hockey World Championship.
The effect on a nation of sporting success – I think that nearly everybody is very happy, people celebrate, they realise that they are Czech – they are proud of this country, it can join people who don’t like each other together. The country became known all over the world. (the Winter Olympic Games in Nagano, Jan Železný – throwing the javelin, Jana Novotná, Petr Korda, Ivan Lendl)…
Sport at clubs – You can improve yourself, because at school you don’t have time for it and not everybody like the sport that you like. There is a lot of fun there, you might achieve some success there
Rules and equipment
When you want to do some sport you firstly need to know the rules. If don’t know it you may be sent off the play or you don’t achieve the best results (score) you could. You nearly always need some equipment for doing it. For instance when you play golf you has to have lot of equipment – different kinds of sticks, balls, special trolley. For some sports you don’t need nearly anything, just your body (volleyball – only good shoes and kneecap).
Is a team sport that you can play both outside and inside. There is a net across the court. You play with a white ball (now it also can be coloured). The team consists of six players (2 of them are smash-men, 2 of them make a blockade, 2 of them pass the ball to smash-men who should score). It is important to make the ball touch the rival’s side of the court – it make a point for you; it is played till one team reaches 25 points – it means that they win a set, when you win two sets you also win the match
Sport as a hobby
Sport could be very funny and what is very important, nearly everybody can do some sport activity. Sport keeps us healthy not only physical, but psychical, too. We can do sport with our friends, or meet a lot of new interesting people. Sport teaches us, how to improve our condition and some kinds of sports could us teach how to be more responsible and fair. But you must be careful and don’t overestimate your power
archery lukostřelba
arrow šíp
baseball / softball
bike kolo
bow luk
cycling cyklistika
gliding klouzavý let
gloves rukavice
go skating jít bruslit
greyhound racing závody chrtů
hiking pěší turistika
horse racing dostihy (r.=závody obecně)
horse riding jízda na koni
ice-hockey lední hokej
judo, karate judo, karate
marathon-running maratónský běh
oar veslo (se dvěma lopatkami)
paddle pádlo (s jednou lopatkou)
self–defence sebeobrana
skiing lyžování
sky-diving seskoky padákem
swimming pool bazén
table-tennis stolní tenis
target terč
yoga jóga