Significant Events and People of the Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic there were many important people. Every significant figure is written (zapsat se) in Czech history. An important man is for example Jára Cimrman for every Czech people, but Jára cimrnam is fictitious figure (vymyšlená osoba), who characterizes (charakterizovat) the Czech humour.
And now about significant people, who live in Czech. I would like to talk about forefather Čech (Praotec Čech), King Charles fourth, Jan Hus, T. G. Masaryk and Václav Havel.
Praotec Čech
Forefather of Bohemia is the mythic figure (mýtická postava) of a man, who brought (přivést) his people to the Czech Republic. But this is a legend, but for Czech people it is very important legend. According (podle) Forefather of Bohemia our country is named. The forefather of Bohemia brought Czechs to mountain Říp and settled (usadit se) here and founded the country, Bohemia.
Karel IV
Charles fourth was Czech and German king and Roman Emperor (římský císař). He was born at the beginning of fourteen century in Prague. He was the oldest son of Jan Lucemburský and Eliška Přemyslovna. He got a common name (běžné jméno) – Václav. He came from (pocházet z) the Luxembourg dynasty (dynastie Lucemburků).
When he was little, his parents were arguing (hádali se). The little prince was separated from (odloučen od) mother. He was hidden in (ukryt na) the castle Loket and Křivoklát.
He was educated (vychován) in France. He spoke five languages fluently (plyně). The French king Karlu IV Sličný was his godfather (kmotr). He had to rename like French king.
He founded (založit) Charles University, Charles Bridge and built a new town. He had a four wife, for example Blanka z Valois. All marriages (snatky) were planned (naplánované), but the harmonic.
Jan Hus
He was a Roman Catholic priest (římskokatolický kněz), medieval Czech religious thinker (český středověký náboženský myslitel), reformer (reformátor) and pastor (kazatel). He taught (vyučoval) at the University of Prague. He was excommunicated (exkomunikován) from the Church (církev). Church labeled (označit) him a heretic (kacíř). He refused to (nechtěl) recant (odvolat) his teachings (jeho učení), so he was burned (upálit).
Masaryk was an educator (pedagog), politician, statesman (státník) and philosopher. Was a member of the Austrian Imperial Council (rakouská říšská rada) and University Professor. In 1918, he became (stat se) the first president of Czechoslovakia. He was many times nominated (navržen) for the Nobel Peace Prize.
He was the ninth and last president of Czechoslovakia and first president of the Czech Republic. He was Czech Playwright, essayist, critic of the communist regime and later politician.