Where can we do shopping?
Corner shop– there we can buy definite line of goods (food or bread).
Supermarket– there are many goods. In the Czech Republic there is Albert, the Penny Market, Kubík. We have there many goods (yogurts, milk, bread, drink, smoked-meat products, beard or drogerie, food for pets. (Inters par)
Hypermarket– There are many goods in the hypermarket. Food, clothes, restaurants McDonalds, Shoes, Optics, child’s column. The goods are the cheaper then in smaller shops. There is a big selection.
Types of shops
- Florist’s (There we can buy flowers for wedding, for birthdays, for name days. Young people buy there the flowers for Valentines days. There we can find to tapers, nosegay, wreaths, trimming, decorations.)
- Sweetshop (We can buy there some sweets, ice cream, chocolate, café, tea. Young people meet there with their love.)
- Bookshop (There are many books. We can find there story-books, novels, dramas, horrors, thrillers, red library, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, instructive books, wish to birthday, to name day, some toys, pile carpet.)
Describe the process of shopping
You go in, pick up a basket or a trolley, walk around the shop and choose what you want. At the exit there is a cash-desk or a cashier where you pay for all your goods together either cash or with your credit card.
Interesting places, where can we shopping
There are a lot of Vietnamese stores. I hate this shops. I like shopping branded clothing (for example- Adidas, Nike, Diverse, Vandenberg…). These clothes are expensive, but fisrt-rate and top! I do shopping in Hradec Králové in bigger department store (for example Carrefour, Tesco, Gigasport).
With my parents we usually buy goods in Albert, there it is fine. My father usually pays with a credit card. We buy fruit, vegetables, yoghurt, butter, bread, salami, ice, meat.
I like shopping in Albert and I hate shopping in Lidl or Pennymarket.
I don’t like shopping so much. I usually go shopping with my mother, we walk trough the square of my town.
Tear- díra
Sleeve- rukáv
Change- peníze nazpět, drobné
Battery- baterie
Damaged- poškozený
Five-euro note- 5ti eurová bankovka
Package- balení
Exchange- výměna
Purse- peněženka
Inspect- prohlédnout si
Garment- oděv, kus oděvu
Rail- ramínko
Post- pošta
Part- část
Refund- vrácení peněz
Replacement- výměna
Plat-pack furniture- nábytek
Out of stock- není na skladě
Packed it- balit
Book signig- autogramiáda
Brand- značka
Car-boot sale- bleší trh
Charity shop- dobročinný obchod
Department store- obchodní dům
Exquisite- dokonalý
Gilded- pozlacený
Guarantee- garance
Home ware- domácí potřeby
Market stall- stánek
Note- bankovka
Retail park- nákupní zóna
At a bakery you can buy bread, rolls, cookies, and cakes.
At a butcher shop you can buy meat and sausages.
At a clothing store you can buy clothes for men, women, or children.
At an electronics store you can buy TV sets and other electrical appliances.
At a florist you can buy flowers and plants.
At a garden shop you can buy grass seed, fertilizer, and garden supplies.
At a greengrocer you can buy vegetables and fruit.
At a hardware store you can buy tools, nails, and other building supplies.
At a shoe store you can buy shoes and shoe polish.
At a stationary store you can buy paper, stationery, and envelopes.
At a sweet shop you can buy cakes, pastries, candy, and ice cream.
At toy store you can buy dolls, games, balls, and other toys.