Rules for a healthy way of life, diseases
Health is one of important thinks in our lives. Health is the state of being well and free from illness and it relates not only to a body but also to a mind.
Good health gives us chance to find well-paid job to earn money and enjoy true life full of hobbies and experience.
Good health isn’t a matter of course; we must take care of it. Initiating a healthy lifestyle (including dietary habits) plays an important role to reduce the risk for the development of the so-called diseases of lifestyle such as heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and cancer, amongst others.
Our bodies are very complicated, and while usually everything is fine, sometimes things can go wrong. If something is wrong on the inside of our body, it may involve one of your organs. The big organs are your heart and lungs. But the stomach, small and large intestines, kidneys, bladder and liver all play an important role in keeping our body functioning. It’s important to treat these organs carefully, because they are the only ones we get.
Rules for a healthy way of life
Maybe the most important rule for a healthy way of life is to scrap bad habits like smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol or overeating.
A balanced diet plays an important part in good health. We ought to eat five times a day. Healthy food includes a lot of proteins and amino acids and a little of fats. So, it means to avoid highly marbled beef, high fat pork ribs and chops, regular ground beef or other fatty cuts and try substituting lean ground beef and turkey, pork tenderloin and flank steak, along with fish and shellfish. Sugars are next problem. They are important because lower sugars give us energy and higher sugars are building material of many compounds in our bodies. The most common sugar is sucrose, but it isn’t healthy. So we must eat more fruit (contain glucose and fructose) than sweets (contain sucrose), eat unsweetened food, if it is possible, and use more natural sweeteners. Also vitamins and minerals are important. For example vitamin A (retinol) is essential for creation of pigments in a retina. We can find vitamin A in a yolk, a liver or a carrot. We shouldn’t eat in hurry and talking during eating.
We mustn’t forget drink – at least three litres of fluids per day. It’s better to drink unsweetened mineral water than fizzy drink. Also herbal teas can improve our health.
Regular exercise has many benefits including weight control, reducing the risk for
heart disease and osteoporosis, relaxation and better sleeping patterns. It’s also
good idea to reduce using cars or city traffic – ride a bike or go a walk is really
Healthy living includes emotional wellness and adequate rest. Recommended
duration of uninterrupted sleeping is seven or eight hours per day. The healthiest
sleep is before midnight.
People have a fundamental need for positive and lasting relationships and good
relationships with family, friends, classmates or colleagues contributes to strong
health and sanity. Very danger factor is a stress.
Also fresh air is important.
Everybody should undergo a regular check-up every year. It is also important to
visit a dentist regularly, at least twice a year. Small children are regularly
vaccinated against various illnesses such as tuberculosis or other childhood
diseases which can be very dangerous when they grow up.
Common diseases
Cold is one of the most common illnesses and many people suffer from it every
autumn and winter. Typical syndromes are an aching head, a scratchy throat and a
stuffy nose. If we aren’t too sick, we could probably just stay in bed, take cough
drops for your sore throat, an over−the−counter medicine for our nose and eat
chicken noodle soup. Another common illness is flu (an illness that is like a bad
cold but more serious, people usually feel very hot and arms and legs hurt).
Many common diseases are typical only for children – for example chicken-pox,
mumps or scarlet-fever.
Incurable diseases
Modern medicine has done much to eradicate and cure disease, but it has failed in
some areas. One of them is the common cold. However, many illnesses that are
more serious are incurable, too.
Cancer refers to a group of more than 100 distinct diseases characterized by the
uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer affects one in every
three persons born in developed countries and is a major cause of sickness and
death throughout the world. Significant improvements in cancer treatment have
been made since the middle of the 20th century, mainly through a combination of
timely and accurate diagnosis, selective surgery, radiation therapy, and
chemotherapeutic drugs. Such advances actually have brought about a decrease in
cancer deaths (at least in developed countries), and grounds for further optimism
are seen in laboratory investigations into elucidating the causes and mechanisms
of the disease. However, radiation therapy and chemotherapeutic drugs aren’t
perfect solution, because they very often damage peoples in other way.
AIDS is the byname of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome – a transmissible
disease of the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
HIV slowly attacks and destroys the immune system, the body’s defence against
infection, leaving an individual vulnerable to a variety of other infections and
certain malignancies that eventually cause death. AIDS is the final stage of HIV
infection, during which time fatal infections and cancers frequently arise. Present
medicine cannot cure AIDS, it can only extend period between infection and