Radio, press, tv
The popularity of television has risen incredibly since its beginning. People spend still more and more time by watching TV which influences lives of many of them. This media is very young, first TV transmission was in our republic in 1954.
Now exist many TV channels. We can divided them to two groups. First group are state channels, such as Czech Television with her two channels – Czech Television 1 and 2. These channel are financed from charge, which we pay for each TV box in our flats. Main task of these channel is inform and educate people. Next part of channels are channels private. In Czech republic exist two main private channels – Nova and Prima. These channels are financed from advertising. Next group of channels are satellite’s channels. I can appoint from famous Music Television – famous MTV. Special group are cable’s channels. We must pay monthly charge, if we can watch these channels. I can appoint from famous channel HBO.
I feel that many programmes are too violent and shallow (e.g.. soap operas, which are about money and love). In the Czech republic, there are hours of series on TV especially in the afternoon which are watched by old people but also by children and housewives.
My favourite programmes are evening films and amusement programmes, because I can be at rest; sometimes I like watching cartoons and travel documentaries.
On the average, I watch TV for 2 hours a day, mainly at evening, because during the week I don’t have a time so I watch only TV news and sometimes an evening films. During weekends or holidays, I watch it about maybe 4 hours a day.
I think I could live without TV because I can do more agreeable and more useful things. Instead of watching TV, I would go with my friends out, read a book or listen music, which I like.
I feel that content of ads is exaggerated and a waste of time; the number of ads is too great; however sometimes advertising in the middle of a programme can give one a break to go to the kitchen for some sweets or go to the toilet; but when the ads are every 30 minutes it is really annoying.
Kinds of programs: children’s, current affairs, discussion, pop music, gardening, arts, natural, history, film review, customer affairs, language-learning, human interest, fashion, light entertainment, variety; documentaries, the news (is), soap operas, quiz shows, game shows, breakfast TV, costume dramas, the National Lottery draw, film, action series, weather forecast, sci-fi series…
This media is distributed during radio waves. Transmission contents news, music, advertising or some funny programmes. In Czech Republic exist many radio s stations, we can divided them to two groups – to state and private (they have many advertisements: Kiss, Evropa 2, Radio City…). One of state stations is Radiozurnal. I prefer private stations, because I like music and relaxation.
Radio has been always important since its invention. Particularly during the wars it was sometimes the only source of any information. Even nowadays, although people prefer watching TV, its popularity is still very considerable. It has lots of advantages: You can take it nearly where you want (very popular in a car). Because it is mostly used for listening to music it is very good for relaxing – just to lie down and listen to it (watching TV became tiring). It is very often used for a background sound; it can notify about events quicker than a TV.
The radio is mostly switched on for listening to news, to music and of course it is also used as a background during activities such as studying or especially driving a car. It is inexpensive.
There are local radios and lots of specialist stations for example with a view to classical music, to rock music or to sport.
I like to listen the radio and rather I like to listen my favourite tapes or CDs. Every morning when I get up I switch on the radio and I try to awake up. One of my favourite radio stations are (local Prague) Express and Radio 1.
Kinds of programs: current affairs (news), discussions, music – all kinds, culture, weather forecast, sport events and matches, breakfast radio…
Newspapers are the oldest kind of media but we can say that they are today quite old-fashioned. They are not flexible because when something happens you can’t read about it until the next day. You can read some newspapers on the Internet too. However, newspapers have an important role in our everyday lives because they can influence the public quite easily. Journalists are also called the first power. The press freedom is one of the most important aspects in all democratic countries.
Newspapers still have their own magic. People are weary of looking in a box and it is very nice to buy newspapers, have a cup of coffee and a breakfast in the garden. Nobody is disturbing you. Everything is calm. It’s like magic. In newspapers is many columns with articles and this make-up is very good for reading. Interesting articles have big headings and these headings use special bold font. Some pages are used to advertising of companies or peoples. Majority of media is financed from advertising.
We can divided newspapers to several groups from their sight.
In the Czech republic there are national newspapers such as MF Dnes, LN, Pravo which are supposed to be influenced by political parties or at least by political movements and local newspapers (Večerník Praha, Nymbursko..). These are important especially because of pages of advertisements or news about constructions in the region. I don’t read newspapers every day, because I watch TV news; but at times when I don’t see TV news, next day I buy newspapers and I read what happens preceding day.
There are two sorts of newspapers in Britain. The broadsheets which are the more serious ones. Very big pages, hardly any colour pages, not too much photos, more difficult language, it focuses on some topic – more details and facts, longer articles, more tidy-looking, nearly about everything (policy, culture, money…). People who read it are businessmen, people with higher education… They give long, detailed news stories with historical analysis and different comments and they have a lot of foreign news, sections on books, education or computers. These are The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and The Independent.
Tabloids have smaller pages, dramatic headlines, lots of colour pages, plenty of photos, short articles, human interests stories and sensations, simple language. They more popular than broad sheets, in GB the circulation is about 3 mil per day, it is read by all society ranks. They have short items on politics and world events and they pay more attention to gossips about celebrities, to competitions, horoscopes and to the lottery. We can mention the Sun which is the biggest-selling paper in Britain, then The Mirror and Daily Star.
Continuators of newspapers are magazines. They have same sights as newspapers, but they are printed on better paper then newspapers and they are issued weekly or monthly. They are much more expensive than daily newspapers. Some magazines companion CD ROM.
The Newspapers
national nawspapers celonárodní deníky
local newspapers místní noviny
morning newspapers ranní noviny
evening newspapers večerník
Sundays suplements nedělník
journal odborný časopis
weekly týdeník
quarterly čtvrtletník
special interest magazine zájmový magazín
women’s press časopis pro ženy
advertising periodical reklamní plátek
headline titulek
by-line podtitulek
picture = image obrázek
cartoon = comic trip komiks, humorný kreslený seriál
caption text pod obrázkem
column rubrika, sloupec
line řádek
letter písmeno
article článek
lead story hlavní zpráva
editorial úvodník
feature nejzajímavější článek
report reportáž
comment komentář
front page první stránka
home news z domova
internacional news ze světa
obituaries nekrology
women’s pages stránky pro ženy
crossword křížovka
subscribe to předplatit
take a mornig paper odebírat ranní noviny
The Radio
broadcasting vysílání
long/medium/short waves dlouhé/střední/krátké vlny
wavelenght vlnová délka
switch on/off zapnout/vypnout
tune in to a station naladit stanici
local radio místní stanice
announcer hlasatel
live-broadcast živé vysílání
phone-in kontaktní pořad
competition soutěž
panel discusion beseda s odborníky
receiver přijímač
treble nejvyšší tón
turn up/down the volume /upravit hlasitost/
button tlačítko
knob knoflík
interference rušení
aerial anténa
it has a lot of listeners má hodně posluchačů
The Television
screen obrazovka
remote control dálkový ovladač
channel kanál
soap opera seriál
record nahrávání
telly adict závislý na televizi
advertisement reklama
consumer affairs „občanské džudo“
program pořad
costume drama historické drama