- Give me a book. / Give the book to me.
- Buy me a book. / Buy the book to me.
- Explain it to me. / Explain the excercise to me.
- Whose is this umbrella? / Whose umbrella is this?
- Emphasizing: Look at yourself in the mirror.
The Queen herself danced with him.
- this → these, that → those
- one of my friends = a friend of mine / my farther´s
- that boy of yours
- my father´s car ´= NELZE (A has B- vlastnictví)
- the Queen´s speech = the speech of the Queen
- any, some, neither, either, every, each…
- many, much, few, all, both
- all (of) my friends like hiking
- My friends all like = all- before a full meaning verb
- All of them are tired. They are all = all- after an auxiliary (pomocné) verb
= za pomocné, před významové !!!
Pl. All Mondays are terrible.
Sg. Every Monday is terrible.
- all you need is love
-relative clause (vztažná věta)
– That´s all.
– He knows all about it. He knows everything.
x Everything is lost.
– All those who = All the people who –všichni kdo
- 1: There aren´t any plates left. – neutrální věta
- 2: There are no plates left. – zdůraznění
- Idioms: There were no less than a hundred people. – neméně
!!!- ne- no fewer
- I am no better at maths than you.
- I tried hard. But it was no good. – marné
- There is no point in asking her for help. – nemá smysl
- It´s no use – nemá smysl
- every day- opakování– every two hours, every Monday
- every- refers to three or more items
- we want every child to succeed = generalizes, puts people into a group
- each will find it´s own road to success
- „each“- separates, we think of people doing things differently
– refers to two or more people
Every (Each) time i see you. – no real difference
My two brothers have each acted in a play.
At the first night they each forgot their lines.
I gave each child (sg.) an apple.
I gave the children each (pl.) an apple. / I gave the children an apple each.
- I didn´t like either of the films. = refers to 2 items ( any- větší počet)
– = I didn´t like either film.
- Neither of the films was any good. – nestál za nic
- Neither film was any good.
A: B:
I´m thirsty. So am I. / I´m thirsty, too.
I´m not hungry. Neither (Nor) am I.
I´m not hungry. I´m not hungry either.
Either she writes or phones.
Either she or he are home.
I neither drink nor smoke.
NONE = no one
- None of the phones works.
- 1: Both cats are asleep.
- 2: Both the cats are asleep. Všechny 3 varianty správně!!!
- 3: Both of the cats are asleep.
- The cats are both asleep.
- She plays both the guitar and the piano. She both plays and sings.
- many / much- only in questions and negatives: We don´t have much homework for Monday.
- do oznamovací věty kladné se nepoužívá many = She´s got a lot of
- many použijeme pokud je ve větě TOO, AS, SO, VERY
- His theory is difficult, few people understand it. = pouze málo lidí tomu rozumí L
- His theory is difficult, a few people understand it. = alespoň někdo tomu rozumí☺
- She has little interest in languages. L
- She has a little interest in languages. J
-a great many students -a great deal of
-a good many students -a good deal of
-a great number of students -a large amount of
-plenty of
- Na stole je knížka. -There is a book on the table. / On the table there is a
- Knížka je na stole. –The book is on the table.
- There are books on the table.
- There were a lot of problems discussed (+ participle) at the meeting. A lot of problems were discussed.
- A lot of people were standing on the tram. There were a lot of people standing.(+present participle)
- There is / there are- this phrase speaks about the existence of something : Once upon a time, there was a king.
- Idioms: There is no use trying / no point in trying.
x There is no need to smoke.
Somebody is at the door. There is somebody at the door.
It seems that there are problems. There seem to be problems.
It seems that he is rich. He seems to be rich.
There used to be a pub there.
- other verbs: live, exist, remain(zbývat), come, enter, arise, follow
= Once upon a time, there lived a king.
= There entered a strange figure.
= There followed long applause.
- There is nothing to do. = I´m bored.
- There´s nothing to be done. = No way of putting it right. ( nedá se to napravit.)
- There remains nothing to be done.
- There are problems. I don´t want that. = I dont´t want there to be
- She is unhappy. I don´want that. = I don´t want her to be
- a/„it“ refers to something mentioned before – Look at the house. It´s old.
- b/ grammatical subjects: talking about TIME, WEATHER, TEMPERATURE
It´s time to go. It is raining. Every day it gets cooler.
- c/ preparatory (přípravný) subject – It would be pity to miss the film← nezačínáme hned hlavní myšlenkou
– (It is) nice to meet you. It was pleasant to sit in the shade.
- d/ „cleft“ sentences (zdůrazňovací konstrukce) = giving special importance to one part of the sentence
– It was Harry who/ that told the police. Policistům to řekl Harry.
– It was the neighbours who/ that told the police. (jed.číslo!!!)
– It was yesterday that they told the police.
– It is you who/ that I rely on. (who/ that nesmíme vynechat)
- a/ a general subject
You never know. One never knows.
(In spoken English) (In written English)
You should always give yourself plenty of time to pack.
One should always give oneself plenty of time to pack.
- b/ one- another
John and David hate each other/ one another.
-in general statements: ONE ANOTHER should be preferred: People should help one
– c/ „one“ is used to replace nouns
I´d like an apple. Which one? The green one.
I´d like a pound of apples.(C) Which ones? The red ones.
If you don´t have fresh milk (U), take tinned.=>NEPOČÍTATELNÉ=NEMŮŽEME POUŽÍT
- in affirmative statements (oznam.klad.věta):
Take some warm clothes. (PL.C.)
Have some milk. (U)
- some in questions:
offers: Would you like some wine?
request: Could someone open the door for me? Nesu kafe- může někdo otevřít?
– II – anyone – II – ? Dveře nejdou otevřít- může někdo otevřít?
- in questions: Are there any questions?
- in negatives: There aren´t any.
- really negative: We got there without any trouble.
- ANY + COMPARATIVE:Is she any better now? (už)
I don´t want to stay there any longer. (už ne)
– IDIOMS: Is there any point in going there?
Is the book any good.
- IN A FORMATIVE SENTENCE : Think of a number. Any number you like. = no matter which
Koncovka EVER
- Whatever I do is wrong. = no matter I do is wrong
- No matter who (= whoever) comes tell them to wait. = PL. – ne tell him!!!
- Whatever are you doing? = surprise
- What on earth are you doing? = proboha…
- Why ever didn´t you tell you were coming?
Talking about PAINS, BLOWS etc. and PARTS OF THE BODY after prepositions:
- Rajče ho zasáhlo do oka. The tomato hit his eye. The tomato him him in the eye. – NE in his eye!!!
- She had a parrot on HER shoulder.
- She had a pain in THE shoulder.
- I like this apple. I´d like another. = one more – další, přidáváme
- I don´t like this blouse. I need another. = a different one – jinou
- There are two blouses in the shop window. One is blue and the other is green.
- Some people smoke other people don´t . = JINÍ, ODLIŠNÍ, JINÉHO ZALOŽENÍ
Dark colours don´t suit you, you need other.
Some people smoke others don´t. = OSTATNÍ, NE JINÍ!!!
Well, you are here, but where are the other students?
the others? = OSTATNÍ
- All children can sometimes be naughty.
- Every professional violinist practises several times a day.
- Has either of your parents visited you?
- All I want is my own room / a room of my own.
- You are both wrong / mistaken.
- There is no point staying here any longer.
- I don´t like opera, neither / nor do they.
- Buy a few / several bottles of beer on your way home.
- There were lots of people in the square.
- Either you leave this home or I´ll call the police.
- Not all birds can fly.
- None of these buses go / goes to Cambridge.
- I told you all I knew.
- Neither of his parents helped him.
- Each of my aunts gave me socks for Christmas.
- I was given both these vases in Spain.
- They gave you everything. Is it not enough / too little?
- You can either come with me or go home.
- Don´t bring that friend of yours to our house.
- Would there be another apple for me?
- It´s today that I want to talk to you.
- There´s no point in bringing her flowers.
- It´s not her birthday.
- Why don´t you find other friends?
- There used to be a bridge over there, didn´t there?
- She has got some rings, but she wants some more.
- There followed a long silence.
- Do you understand each other?
- Is there anything the matter?
- Are you any happier now?
- There´s no need to get nervous.
- He talks to one like schoolmaster.
- She was talking to herself.
- He has got an earring in either ear.
- Choose any card you want.
- Why don´t you go there on your own?
- The boss himself patted him on the shoulder.
- Where on earth shall I get it?
- I´d like there to be a swimming pool in the garden.