1/ Of movement- to drive towards the mountains
2/ Of position and place- it is on top of the fridge
3/ Purpose (účelu)- he did everything for her, to commit crimes for money
× he was sent to prison for stealing- není účel
4/ They cancelled the match because of the rain, he didn´t arrrive due to an illness, he stole
from hunger, she married for love (z lásky), I said that out of pity/ sympathy, I went there
out of curiosity ( ze zvědavosti),
!!! Picasso died of flu. – zemřít na nemoc+of old age × to die from starvation (vyhladovění)
5/ Of origin (původu)- he comes from France
6/ Of instrument- he opened the can with a knife
!!! He was hit with a branch = someone hit him with a branch
by a branch = a branch hit him
Arrive – není slovesem pohybu
- You arrive – in cities and countries, but
– at places
They arrived in Prague / at the airport …
Leave- for
- He left for Prague. Odjel do Prahy.
- He left Olomouc for Prague. Odjel z Olomouce do Prahy.
Get on / off
- a bus / train / tram / bike / horse / motorbike
Get into / out of
- a car / lorry / taxi / small boats / private planes
We went by train / car / bus … bez členu
We went in a taxi / his car / in (on) the next train… pokud potřebujeme říct člen, zájmeno,
Some prepositions = adverbs
- Sit behind me( sedni si za mě). × Sit behind (sedni si dozadu).
- Wait outside the cinema (počkej před kinem) × Wait outside ( počkej venku).
Prepositions at the end of a sentence
- Who are you waiting for?
- I don´t have a chair to sit on.
He sits next / beside Paula. (vedle)
He sits by the exit / at the table.
By the sea = very close × Near the sea = perhaps 5 km
Above × below
– co je níž × výš – představa svislého pohybu 0
- above the freezing point ( zero)
- above the sea level, below average
- the clouds above our heads
- the village below the hill
Over × under
– closeness, touching, covering
- Hold the umbrella over my head. ( = kvůli nějakému účelu – abychom se schovali před děštěm)
- a dog under the table – aby se schoval
- put the blanket over you
- there is a cloud over the south of Europe
- The plane flew over Denmark.
At – in – on
- at a point – at the North Pole
- in = inside ( three dimensions) – in the room
- on – position an a surface, on a line – on the table, on the wall, a place on the river
At × in
– we spent the weekend at the cottage = mushrooming, repairing…, we think of activity
going on there
in the cottage = it rained
Yesterday I was at the theatre. ( dívala jsem se na představení)
at a concert.
300 seats in the cinema. ( v budově, představa 3D )
We met at / in the cinema.
-along / up / down the street
-turn left into Smetana Street
-through – the forest (představa prodírání se)
-off – cut a piece off a loaf, fall off a bike
-in front of a mirror
-before- A comes before B × Right before my eyes ( idiom)
-during × in – We met in the summer. (jednorázově)
– His health improved during the summer.( trvání)
-for × since – It has been raining for a week. How long are you here for? → FOR + period of t.
– It has been raining since Monday. → SINCE + a point of time
– from × since – She played the piano from the age of 5.
– She has played the piano since the age of 5.
– our lesson lasts till 12 (něco trvá)
-hand in your essays by Monday (lhůta)
-3 days ago × 3 days before Christmas
-Everybody came except (for) you / apart from you. = but you didn´t – vyjma
What language do you study besides English / apart from English? – vedle angličtiny
= apart from – univerzální
-But for you, we wouldn´t won. – nebýt tebe…
-If it weren´t you we would be in trouble.
- a book by Grahame Green
- in my opinion – podle mého názoru, from my point of view- u mého hlediska
- for this reason- z tohoto důvodu
- in pencil- tužkou × don´t write with this pencil
- talk in a loud voice / in a whisper
- on the phone, on the radio, on (the) TV
- by my watch- podle mých hodinek
- a cell in the prison × she is in prison
- the face in the picture × the dust on the picture
- in(to) + throw, fall, jump, dive, put
- at a concert, at the theatre
- a place on the map, on the wall, on the floor
- by tram / in our car / on the next bus / in his boat
- a plane above the mountains
- temperatures below zero
- at height above the sea level
- she left for New York
- wait till Christmas
- a performance below average
- at the age of 5 / in his teens, thirties
- a blow below the belt( rána pod pás)
- he climbed onto the roof
- she swam across the river
- she walked over the bridge
- along / up / down the street
- despite / inspite of / regardless of her cold
- I couldn´t see him through the smoke
- come home by ten
- open it with the knife
- an exam in English
He is either in the field or in the garden. Who´s the woman in black siting in the army chair. He´s out of work at the moment. I don´t like it in particular. She fell off the bike. I only know him by sight. There are 300 seats in the local theatre. We arrived at the office before them. Don´t use such words in front of the child. Women over 40 shouldn´t wear skirts above the knee. I heard it on the radio. The house was for sale 3 days ago. Come on Wednesday afternoon at four o´clock and be on time. I can´t stay till tomorrow. He jumped for joy. He went there out of curiosity. Everybody except you was here. He won despite / in spite of his injury. Go along / up / down the street, turn into Green Street, walk over the bridge and it´s the third house behind the church. Don´t cheat right before my eyes.