Political system in USA and GB
British Goverment
Great britain is a Constitutional monarchy with the Queen Elizabeth II. as a head of state. She is also the main person of the armed force. She is Head of the Commonwealth.
The British Parliament consists of the sovereign, the house of Lords (hereditery,bishops,arcibishops), House of Commons (with 650 members)
The house of Lords makes laws. The house of Common is the place, where do forms a goverment.
Cabinet and the Queen name the Prime Minister.
Scotland has its own parliament.His residence is in Edinburgh.
The Government is led by the Prime Minister, who selects all the remaining Ministers.
The Prime Minister and the other most senior Ministers belong to the supreme decision-making committee, known as the Cabinet.
The current Prime Minister is David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party.
American goverment
The Us is a federation consisting of 50 states.
In the American democratic system rights and powers divided between the individual states and federal goverment.
The federal goverment has got three parts:
– executive power (výkonná moc)
– legislative power ( legislativní moc)
– judicary power (soudní moc)
The Head of the state is President. His name is Barack Obama He is elected for 4 years. He is the chief of the Armed Forces. The President also names all ambassadors, ministers, and consuls.
The Congress consists of two houses — The Senate and the House of Representatives (they are responsible for passing of law).
Each state has its own goverment and makes its own laws etc.
In American politics dominate two partes – the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
US citizens must be 18 years old to vote.
Washington D. C. is the capital of the US and the seat of the federal government
The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the president of the United States. Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington,Now there live Barack Obama.
Barack Obama is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American in this position.
Constitutional monarchy – konstituční monarchie
the sovereign – panovník
hereditery,bishops,arcibishops – šlechtici,biskupové, arcibiskupové
The house of Lords – Horní sněmovna
The house of Common – Dolní sněmovna
forms a goverment – tvoří vládu
Prime Minister – premiér
elected – volen The Senate – Senát party – strana the House of Representatives –Sněmovny reprezentantů
Armed forces – vojenská síla seat – sídlo citizens – Občan
remaining – zbývající supreme decision-making committee – nejvyšší rozhodovací komise
current – současný