Political system of the USA and the UK
The UK is a state in Europe, which is member of UN,EU and NATO.
- unwritten →common law
- based on statuses, documents(Magna Charta), case law, customs, conventions
- two main principles – the rule of law
Monarch-Elisabeth II., Prince of Wales is her son Charles
- formal head of the country and Commonwealth (organization, which associate former colonies)
- Commander-in-chief of the armed forces
- Governor of the Church of England
- she leads an important ceremonial events, meetings with Prime Minister, with foreign leaders, appoints ambassadors, opens the sessions of Parliament
Executive power
- is represented by The Cabinet(UK government), the head of Cabinet is Prime minister(Dave Cameron-Conservative party), who is leader of the winning party in general election
- formed from Ministers who are appointed by Sovereign(sovryn) on recommendation of prime minister
- The shadow cabinet
Legislative power
- consists of The House of Commons and The House of Lords
- The House of Commons
-green benches
-The Speaker – leads session(sešn)
-front benches the main figures of the Chember
-the main function is legislate - The House of Lords
-Lord Chancellor – presiding the House
-Lords Spiritual – representing the Church of England (2 archbishops, 24 bishops)
-Lords Temporal – Hereditary(eredydčry) peers(píírs and Life peers
-number is not fixed, in 2012 – 775 members
Judiciary power-The Court of Justice
Political parties
- two biggest are Conservatives and Labours
- Conservative party is on the right, Labour Party on the left
- the presidential federal republic, the member of UN or NATO
- system of checks and balances
- the main important are Constitution of the United States of America-main document (ratified in 21st July 1788) and Federal laws
- every state has own laws, which must not be in conflict with the Federal laws and the Constitution
Executive power
- the head is President(Barack Obama) the most important function
- Commander-in-chief of the armed forces
- the head of the Government
- vote in election by electoral college, which is vote by citizens
Legislative power
- is represented by Congress, which consist of The House of Representatives and The Senate
- The House of Representatives-Lower house
-435 members from every state, number depends on population of state
-The main function has speaker
-majority has Republican party - The Senate-upper house
-100 members
-2 from every state
-majority has Republican party
political parties
two biggest are Democratic party(on the middle and left, liberals) and Republican party(on the right, conservative)
Judiciary power-
Supreme Court of the United States – can abolish or ban law