Phrasal verbs
The object always follows these verbs and cannot be put between any of the parts. Verbs marked * can be used intransitively without the final preposition.
I´ve decided to cut down on smoking. I´ve decided to cut down.
A selection of verbs is listed here with examples. Others, and other meanings of those listed here, are included in the activities.
Cut down on * (reduce the amount of) – omezit
I´ve decided to cut down on smoking.
Catch up with * (reach the same place as) – dohnat
They are too far ahead for us to catch up with them.
Come up against (meet) – narazit, setkat se
I´m afraid we´ve come up against a problem we can´t solve.
Come up with (discover) – objevit, přijít na…
Have you come up with an answer yet?
Drop in on * (visited) – zastavit se, krátká návštěva
I dropped in on Bill and Sheila on my way home.
Face up to (accept, deal with) – čelit
You must face up to reality.
Feel up to (feel fit to do) – cítit se dostatečně dobře na…
You must feel up to going to work.
Get away with (avoid capture) – vyváznout, uniknout, projít…
Jack stole the money and got away with it.
Get along / on with*(have good relations) – vycházet s…
Do you get along with your new boss?
Get on with (continue with) – pokračovat
Stop talking and get on with your work!
Get out of (avoid a responsibility) – vyhnout se
I managed to get out of working late.
Get round to (find time to do) – dostat se k…, najít si čas na…
I haven´t got round to decorating yet.
Get up to (do, often something wrong) – vyvádět, provádět
What has young Bill been getting up to?
Go in for (have as a hobby) – zabývat se
Do you go in for sailing?
Grow out of (become too old for) – vyrůst z…
Julie has grown out of playing with dolls.
Keep up with * (stay in the same place as) – držet krok
You´re going too fast! I can´t keep up with you!
Look down on (feel superior to) – pohrdavě shlížet
Our neighbours look down on anyone without a car.
Look up to (respect) – respektovat, obdivovat
I really look up to my teacher.
Look forward to (think we will enjoy) – těšit se na…
We are looking forward to our holiday.
Make up for (compensate for) – vynahradit
The wonderful dinner made up for the bad service.
Put up with (bear) – snášet, tolerovat
I can´t put up with these screaming children!
Run out of * (have no more of) – dojít
Oh dear, we´ve run out of petrol.
Stand up for (defend) – stát si za něčím
You must learn to stand up for yourself.
These verbs take an object, but the object cannot be put between verb and preposition.
I can´t do without coffee in the morning.
Ask after (ask for news of) – ptát se po…
Jim asked after you yesterday.
Call for (come and collect) – zastavit se, vyzvednout si
I´ll call for you at six.
Call on (visit) – navštívit
I called on some friend in Plymouth.
Come across (find by chance) – narazit na něco
Joe came across this old painting in the attic.
Come into (inherit) – zdědit, přijít si k…
Sue came into a large sum of money.
Count on (depend on) – spoléhat se
I´m counting on you to help me.
Deal with (take action about) – vypořádávat se, zvládat
How would you deal with the traffic problem?
Do without (manage without) – obejít se, vystačit si
We´ll have to do without a holiday this year.
Get at (suggest) – mířit, naznačovat
What are you getting at?
Get over (recover from) – překonat, zotavit se
Barry has got over his illness now.
Go over (discuss the detail) – projít, přezkoumat
Let´s go over our plan once more.
Join in (contribute to) – účastnit se, zapojit se
Try to join in the lesson as much as you can.
Live on (have as income) – vyžít, vystačit, žít z…
They live on the money her father gives them.
Look into (investigate) – zkoumat, vyšetřovat
The government is looking into the problem.
Look round (look at everything) – rozhlížet se, prohlédnout
Let´s look round the town today.
Make for (go in the direction of) – směřovat, mít namířeno
Where are you making for exactly?
Pick on (choose a person to punish – zasednout si na něk.
My teacher is always picking on me.
Run into (meet by chance) – potkat někoho náhodou
I ran into Steve in the supermarket yesterday.
See about (arrange) – zařídit, obstarat, postarat se o…
We´ll have to see about getting you an office.
See to (take care of) – postarat se, vzít si na starost
Can you see to the dog´s food?
Stand for
I won´t stand for such rudeness. (tolerate) – snášet, tolerovat
Andrew is standing for parliament.(be a candidate)- kandidovat
Take after (have the same characteristics) – podobat se
Helen takes after her mother.
These verbs take an object, and the object (especially it and them) can be put between the verb and the preposition. Object phrases tend to be put after the preposition. The pronouns him, her, it, us, them are put afte the verb. Verbs marked * have an intransitive form with a different meaning.
We brought up this child. We brought this child.
Call back and show around always put the object between the verb and the preposition.
Bring up (look after and educate) – vychovat
We brought up this child.
Carry out (act upon) – provést, vykonat, splnit
You haven´t carried out my instructions.
Call off (cancel) – odvolat
We have decided to call off the match.
Clear up *
Could you clear up the room please? (make tidy) – uklidit
The weather is clearing up. ( improve) – vyjasnit se
Fill in *
Can you fill in this form please? (complete) – vyplnit
Our teacher was ill, so Mrs Frost filled in. (take someone´s place) – zaskočit, suplovat
Find out (learn about) – zjistit
I want to find out what happened.
Give away
The millionaire gave all his money away. (make a gift for) – rozdat, darovat
Jim asked me not to give her secret away. (make something known) – vyzradit
Give up *
I´ve decided to give up eating meat. (stop) – zanechat
After trying hard, George finally gave up.(stop trying)-vzdát se
Hold up (rob) – přepadnout
Two masked men held up the bank.
Knock out (make unconscious) – omráčit
The blow on the head knocked me out.
Leave out (not include) – vynechat
I always leave out the difficult excercises.
Look up *
I have to look this word up in my dictionary. (locate) – vyhledat
Things are looking up. (appear better) – zlepšovat se
Make up *
I think you made up this story. (invent) – vymyslet si
The couple quarrelled but then made up. (become friend again) – smířit se
Pick up (collect) – vyzvednout, zastavit se pro…
I´ll pick you up at six.
Put aside (save) – šetřit, dávat bokem
Harry puts money aside every week for his holiday.
Put off (postpone) – odložit
They put the meeting off until Thuersday.
Put up (provide accommodation) – ubytovat
If you come to Florence I can put you up.
Show around (give a guided tour) – provést
Let my show you around the new building.
Take over *
A German company took us over last year.(buy a company)- převzít
If you are tired I´ll take over. (take someone´s place) – převezmout řízení
Take up (start a hobby) – začít se něčemu věnovat
I´ve decided to take up tennis.
Tear up (tear into pieces) – roztrhat
Wendy tore up Alan´s letters.
Think over (consider) – zvažovat, zvážit
Please think over our offer.
Try out (use for the first time) – vyzkoušet
Have you tried out the new computer?
Turn down (refuse an offer) – odmítnout
Paul was offered the job but he turned it down.
Wear out (make tired) – unavit
All this work has worn me out.
Work out (find a solution) – najít řešení
This is a difficult problem, I can´t work it out.
These verbs have no object. Verbs marked * have a transitive form with a different meaning. There are other meanings, not included here.
Break down (stop working) – porouchat se, vypovědět službu
The car broke down on the motorway.
Break out (begin suddenly) – vypuknout
The war broke out unexpectedly.
Come out (be published) – vyjít, být publikován
Her new book came out last week.
Draw up
Suddenly an ambulance drew up outside. (come to a stop) – zastavit
My lawyer is drawing up a contract for us. * (write a legal document) – sestavit, vypracovat
Fall out (quarrel) – pohádat se; rozejít se
Charles and Maria have fallen out again.
Get away (escape) – uniknout, dostat se pryč
The bank robbers got away in a stolen van.
Give in (yield) – ustoupit, podvolit se
She pleaded with me and finally gave in.
Go off (explode) – vybuchnout
Everyone panicked when the bomb went off.
Look out (beware) – dávat pozor
Look out! There´s a car coming.
Set in (begin as if to continue) – nastat, dostavit se
I think the rain has set in for the day.
Show off (behave to attract attention) – předvádět se, vychloubat se
You always show off at parties.
Take off (leave the ground) – vznést se, vzlétnout
Your plane takes off at six.
Turn up *
Guess who turned up at our party? (arrive, often unexpectedly) – objevit se, ukázat se
Can you turn up the sound? (increase) – zesílit
Wear off (fade away)- odeznít, vyprchat
When the drug wears off you may feel pain.