My free time
My free time
I think i have very much free time becouse I´m quite lazy. I hate do anything to school, but unfortunately sometimes it´s necessary. For example now I must sit in front of computer and write this text. I will not pretend it´s not boring. This time, when weather is not very pleasant, it´s not a big problem for me, but as soon as the sun raises, there is a milion better things to do. When the weather is good, you can see all the people are suddenly happier.
Naturally I am not any exeption, so filled with great feelings I mostly take my skateboard and go out riding with my friends.I do this wery often for more then 4 years and it´s still my favorite hobby. We love sunny days, being in the skatepark, tolking about not important things and of course trying who will do better trick.
In spite of that we have computer or home cinema I don´t like spending my free time at home becouse being with friends is much more interesting for me. As I said there is very much things to do when the weather is good, but what to do when it´s not? I confess that i like drinking beer or another alcohol and unfortunately I love smoking marihuana. I know that drugs are wery dangerous and I have vary bad experience with them, but it´s the only way how to at least for a few hours escape from this fucking world?.sorry about that word but I can´t find better. All people still only looking for a money so what is all about? I dont wont life like most of people have?.work, home, sleep? work, home, sleep…you know what I mean. I hope that´s enough, becouse long sitting make me crazy.