Modals: may, might, can, could, should, must, ought to, need, shall, will
They have no -s on third person singular, no “do” in questions and negatives, they have no infinitives and no past forms and they are followed by either present or perfect infinitives without “to”(except for ought to)
I can park here. – mohu = I was given permission.
I can swim. – umím = I know how to swim or I have learned how to swim
I can lift the table. = I am strong enough =it´s physically possible
I can come tommorow.
I will be able to come tomorrow.=the ability only starts tomorrow refers to the future
It´s pleasant to be able to swim. = infinitiv od “can” opisné tvary
Not being able to swim is annoying.
“Can” is used for asking permission:
Can I use your phone? Could I possibly use your phone?
May / Might I use your phone? = more formal
“Could” is only used to express general ability (všeobec.schopnost); it is never used to speak about something done on one occasion:
She could speak five languages. = general ability in the past – uměla, ale nikdy jsme ji nemuseli vidět, jak mluvila
War could break out any moment. – mohla propuknout, nepopisujeme realitu, která se opravdu stala
You could get 50 points in the test. = člověk mohl dosáhnout 50 bodů, nepopisujeme realitu, která se
opravdu stala
I managed to get 40 points.
I succeeded in getting 40 points. skuteč.situace
I was able to get 40 points. – opis od can, popisuje reál.situaci
She was a good swimmer.
She could save people´s lives. =uměla –general ability – but we din´t know whether she used this ability
She was able to save people´s lives. = byla schopna, dovedla, dařilo se jí = the actual performance of her ability
She could have saved people´s lives. = byla by mohla zachránit = she didn´t use her ability
“Couldn´t“can express both general and particular ability:
He was so drunk that he couldn´t find the door.
Asi bude pršet.
It may rain tomorrow.
It might rain tomorrow. = the possibility is even smaller
Do you think it will rain?
Is it likely to rain?
May it rain. – nepoužíváme!!!
Asi je doma.
Perhaps / Maybe he´s at home. – not good English L tak pro
He´s possibly at home. It´s possible that he´s at home. K začatečníky
He´s likely (+inf.) to be at home. He may / might / could be at home. J
=> may / might / could + present infinitives = ASI, MOŽNÁ
Asi není doma.
He may not / might not be at home. = ASI NE
On je určitě doma.
He´s certain / sure to be at home.
He´s bound to be at home (at noon -it is inevitable- nevyhnutelné).
with modals:
He should be at home. – měl by být = you an reasonably expect this
He must be at home. = I´m sure. URČITĚ ANO
He will be at home.= I´m sure.
Should / Must / Will + present infinitive
Určitě není doma.
He can´t be at home. = I´m sure he isn´t
He won´t be at home. URČITĚ NE
might / could / may / should / must / will
might not / – / may not / – / can´t / won´t
méně jisté jisté
=> “can” + “shall” není vyjádřením domněnky !!!
Asi zmeškala vlak.
She may / might / could have missed the train. – perf. inf.
You might have killed yourself.=it refers to stg. possible in the past, but fortunately it didn´t
You might have warned me.=you show your annoyance that something didn´t happen-výčitka
She could have studied in Olomouc, but she left for Prague. = byla by mohla – udělala přijímačky do Ol. i do Prahy, ale rozhodla se pro Prahu
You must have lost it. = URČITĚ jsi to ztratil
You will have heard about it. = URČITĚ jste o tom slyšeli
× You can´t have noticed us.
He´s sure / certain / bound to have lost it.
The doctor said: “You must take this pills.” = the doctor is using his own authority
You see, I have to take these pills. = you´re reporting someone else´s authority
× I must wash my hair. = I´m telling myself, it´s necessary.
I don´t have to / needn´t / don´t need to take these pills. = NEMUSÍM
I mustn´t tell lies.
Visitors may not feed the animals. NESMÍ (M, ĚJÍ…)
No one is to leave the room.
You ought to / should take the medicine. = měl bys
You´d better take the medicine. = radši bys měl – you want to prevent things going wrong
I had to take the kids to school. = it was necessary
You should have told me earlier. (why didin´t you?) = a mistake was made
You had better – neexistuje v minulém čase
I didn´t have to take kids to school. × You needn´t have brought flowers. = something that was unnecessary happened
to be + inf.
He´s to graduate next year. Má končit. / He was to graduate. = He was supposed.
You should have done your homework = ale neudělali jste
You were to do your homework =nevíme, jak to dopadlo, jestli to někdo udělal nebo ne-neutrál.věta
He was to have graduated last year. = měl, ale neskončil