-how often
– What programs are on?
-positive and negative influence of TV on me
I prefer watching movies on computer to watching them on TV, so I don´t watch TV very often. I watch it only 2 or 3 times a week. It is just a background for me. We don´t have serious news in our country, so I don´t watch it. When I´m interested in something I find it on the internet. In my opinion downloading is a great thing, because you don´t have to buy expensive DVDs. On the other hand it´s quite big problem for film companies which lose money in that way.
My favorite channels are documentary ones as Viasat History or Prima Zoom. I like documents about history and mysteries. I´m mostly interested in ancient history and Viasat History has great documents about it.
Time to time I watch some matches on TV. The best sport channel in our country is ČT4, where I usually watch ice hockey or volleyball. To be in the place where the match is being held is better than watch it on TV, because there is better atmosphere.
I like watching films. I can´t fall asleep without a movie. I prefer horror movies because I´ve got adventurous dreams at night. My favorite horror movie is The Woman in black.
I like series as well, but watching series has many disadvantages. It takes lots of time and you have to wait for next episode. I like Game of thrones very much. I started to read book, but the series is much better.
Watching films and documents is rewarding for me I think. I´ve got big view in films and I learnt lot. On the other hand series are very bad for me, because I watch it all the time. When I start I can´t stop with it.