Mass media are press, radio, television and Internet. It’s a special communication.
Newspapers are one of oldest medium. We can date the beginning of mass communication with invention of Gutenberg’s printing press in 1450.
Tabloid’s articles are shocking, emotional, aimed (zaměřené) on people, celebrities, disasters, sports very dramatic, lots of puns (dvojsmysly) etc. There are short, easy to understand, plays on words. There aren’t many long difficult words. There are many photos, which are often colour and aimed on people. Tabloids are usually coloured. F. e.: In GB The Sun, The Daily Star, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Mail,… In CR Blesk, Story, Aha…
The quality papers are daily. In quality papers are serious information, national news and world news, opinions on important events, arts, sports science, the media environment etc. There are long sentences, difficult words, interesting articles. The quality papers are usually black and white. F. e.: In GB The Gurdian, The Times, The Independent, The Financil Times… In USA New York Times, The Washington post, USA Today, Chicago Sun, Boston Globe,… In CR MF Dnes, Lidové noviny…
Magazines are periodic and they can be weekly, monthly or yearly. Magazines issue for women, men, children, young people. We can buy various magazines – fashion, fishing, mobile phone,…
Newspapers are pay from advertisement and how many newspapers sell (= circulation).
We can listen to the radio (music or news) in car, train, everywhere. We can work by listening the radio and we needn’t sit. The radio is cheaper than television. Each station of radio has itself FM. In the Czech Republic there are many kinds of radio stations. In every region, every towns there are different radio broadcastings.
Advantage – We are informed about different news from all the world daily and actually. Radio doesn’t have a lot of disadvantages but it can drive some people mad, when especially young people turn on music very loud.
There are public and privite stations. F. e. public is Czech broadcasting (Český radiožurnál) and private is Evropa 2.
We pay fee for public stations and we don’t pay for private stations. Privite stations earn money from advertisements.
In Czech Republic there are:
2 channels public TV – ČT 1 and ČT 2, there we can find serious information, programs of all interests, documents, valuable films, educational programs and many news
2 channels commercial TV – Prima and Nova, there are shocking news, action and american films and soap operas, action movies, sitcoms and many commercial breaks.
We must be sitting on some place where we watch TV. The TV has channel. We have to pay fee for public channels. Privite channels earn money from commercial breaks.
We can watch films, news, sports, soap operas, documentaries, reality shows, talk shows, cartoons, policical debat etc.
Disadvantages: Young children, whose parents are busy at work, are at home and watch TV a lot. They don’t communicate with friends or parents. They don’t know what is good and what is bad and they don’t know what is real. People who watch TV many hours a day (who are addicted) usually don’t make sports and are sometimes fat.
Advantages: In TV are many information from all over the world. There are political debats, talk shows, educational program for young people, many documents. If you can see soma good film it is cheaper than go to the cinema.
It is an electronic and the newest medium. Many people in the world work, shop, download, get information, have fun, chat with other people due (očekává) the internet. They are connected to network in many ways. By the modem, telephone or aerial signal but they have to be connected to server. It is important what kind of connect you use because of transmission speed (přenosová rychlost).
People can make themself web pages (web sites) or buy a lot of various goods. They needn’t go to shops.
The Internet is the most exploited (využívaný) media nowadays. It is fast, comfortable, easy, versatile (všestranný)… It is library. We find almost everything.
The most famous moderators (zprostředkovatelé) of Internet are Microsoft and Linux. The most visiting web searcher are Yahoo and Google from the foreign pages and Seznam, Centrum and Atlas from the Czech ones.