Living in town and in the country
Many people like living in town and spending their weekends in the country. My family and I prefer life in town. I was born in Prague, and so I am accustomed to living here. But we also like to go to my parent’s birthplace in the South Bohemia. I always look forward to staying there, where it is possible to spend all day in the open air.
I like going for walks there. Sometimes we take a trip with my friends. The countryside looks different in each season of the year. I am always eager to see large fields, woods and hills. I towns we are constantly assailed by the noise of the traffic but in the country you can hear at most he bird’s singing.
The air in the country is different from the town’s air. In the country there are fewer exhaust fumes and gases like carbon dioxide because of fewer number of cars.
But I must say that the country has also many disadvantages. The biggest problem is to get a job. Many people are forced to travel many kilometers to town, as the matter of course if they gained it. In town you have much higher chance to get a good job. Another unpleasant problem is that everyone knows you and knows what you do, because you live in a small place together with a lot of people. It is a great advantage of living in town, because you are hardly unknown there.
I like both the exciting life in town and relaxation in the country. So, I think, the best thing is to live in town and to stay in the country at weekends and during holidays.