Largest city USA
Washington D. C.
It is the capital city of the USA. Washington replaced Philadelphia as the capital city in 1800. Transport in Washington is underground, regular bus, trains and aeroplanes.
Most popular buildings are:
The White Hause serve as the home of U.S. president.
The United State Capitol is the place of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
U.S. Congress makes the nation’s laws there.
The Washington monument is Presidential Memorial, which was built in honor
George Washington.
Pentagon serves as seat Ministry of Defence U. S. It is one of the largest building in
the world.
Library of Congress is National Library of the United States.
New York City
It is the largest city it the USA. The city is divided into five areas: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island. Seat OSN located in New York.
Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island and it recalls the friendship between France
and USA.
Wall Street is street in Manhattan and t is seat New York Stock Exchange.
The highest skyscrapers are Empire State Building and Chrysler Building.
Broadway is the oldest main north – south street in the city. Many theatres are located
here, even Broadway Theatre.
Many universities located in New York, for example City University of New York, Columbia University and Fordham University.
Los Angeles
It is important centre of science, culture, trade and education. Los Angeles consist of small towns, for example Long Beach, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica. Bus, underground ad street-line provided transport. Hollywood is the most famous quarter in LA. Hollywood is mark for American film and television industry.
Chicago is the third most populous city in the U. S. Here are the best universities in the U. S., for example University of Chicago, Northwestern University and DePaul University.
San Francisco
It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. San Francisco is important traffic crossing.
Golden Gate Bridge is sing San Francisco and best know suspensions bridge in the
world. It connects San Francisco with district Marin.