Jobs, professions, unemployment
In a modern society everybody below retirement age has a job of some kind. Only few people live on unearned incomes of their rents, on investments or on interests of savings. Even mothers who take care of their children are considered as working people. People go to work because of they must earn money to support their family, they like their work, it?s their hobby, they have social occasion to contact with other people, or because of people need to be useful. Some people don?t go to work because of they?ve been sick. Another reason is that they are handicapped, retired or on maternity leave. Some rich people living on their rents don?t go to work too.
Skills and education required for any occupation vary. I read an article which said that people without any practical experience have got bigger chance to get an occupation than people who work couple of years and are more experienced ? they are much cheaper.
In our country people usually work 40 hours a week. Workers go to work early in the morning as well as farmers, but office workers, teachers, doctors, nurses, shop assistants later on. Some people, especially in manual occupations, work overtime sometimes. Self-employed people and some people with special character of job work overtime too. Some part of people earns some extra money by moonlighting. Moonlighting is typical for craftsmen.
Non-manual and manual professions differ. People in industry are on the shift system, they work on the morning shift one week and the other week on the afternoon shift or evening one. Some people in technical or manager professions work at various odd hours of the day. It is convenient for them because their work is not the same every day. People are not willing to work on Saturdays and Sundays. They often go to their chalets, make various improvements on their garden, do household repairs or do their hobbies.
Fixed and flexible working hours differ. Who have fixed working hours, starts and ends work in the same time every day, but working hours of people with flexible working hours aren?t the same every day, they are changed by situation.
People are awarded for their job once a month in our country. In Britain people get their money monthly (salary are award for non-manual workers ? as in CR), weekly (wages are award for manual work ? as in CR) or by day. People?s salaries or wages are paid straight into the employee?s bank accounts.
Some occupations in our country are undervalued, for example teachers and doctors. When I was abroad and I said that my father works as a doctor, everybody said: Oh, so you are well situated! And they were very surprised when I told them that it isn?t true, that doctors are one of the worst ? paid people. My father (with 20 years of practical experience) has got lower salary than the high school ? educated people. I don?t think it is fair.
Choosing one?s career is an important step in everybody?s life. Most children have only vague ideas of what they want to be. Boys usually dream of becoming pilots, astronauts, designers or architects. Girls, on the other hand, would like to be actresses, singers, dressmakers, hairstylists and teachers. Some children admire their parents and want to follow in their footsteps, or at least they take their parents advice, other prefers to go their own way. Only a very few have a definite idea of their future careers and try to make their dreams come true. I?m definitely not this case, 5 months ago I had no imagination on which university I should put in an application. I decided by very famous way: I stroke off the schools which were impossible (technical) and the remaining were schools ?just for me?.
When you are unemployed you should look for job and visit the Job centres where they can help you finding the best work for you. Few months you get some money from the state ? you are on the dole. The more educated you are, the more foreign languages you know, the more probable is chance to get a well-paid job.