International organization
There are many important international organizations in the world. Generally, their purpose is to make things and lives of people better.
United Nations
It is an international organization of countries created to promote peace and cooperation. The UN was founded in 1945, right after WWII. Its mission is to maintain peace, develop good relations between countries, promote cooperation in solving world’s problems and encourage respect for human rights.
The UN is an alliance of countries that agree to cooperate with one another. It brings together countries which are rich and poor, with different social and political systems. Member nations pledge to settle their disputes peacefully, not to use force against other countries and to refuse help to any country that opposes UN actions.
UN membership is open to any country willing to further the UN mission and go by its rules. Each country has an equal voice and vote. Each country is also expected to pay dues to support the UN. In 2003 the UN had 191 members (nearly every country in the world).
In 2001 it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
The UN must continually secure the cooperation of its members because the organization has little independent power or authority.
The UN has the same basic purpose and structure as it did when it was founded, maintain world peace. That helps encourage business and international trade. It allows countries to cooperate to solve world problems – poverty, disease, environmental degradation. The UN helps coordinate the work of hundreds of agencies and programs, within its own organization and outside it. It serves as a symbol of international order and global identity.
European Union
It is an organization of European countries dedicated to increasing economic integration and strengthening cooperation among its members. Its headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium.
The European Union was formally established on November 1, 1993, by the Maastricht Treaty. But it was like a final result of a chain of previous organizations – the European coal and steel Community which became the European Community.
Its members are: … (24 nations)
The EU has a number of objectives. Its principal goal is to promote and expand cooperation among member states in economics and trade, social issues, foreign policy, security and defense, and judicial matters. Another major goal has been to spread out Economic and Monetary Union, which established a single currency for EU members.
The idea of a united Europe is very old. First attempts can be seen in the empire of Charlemagne. But the EU is supposed to be the strongest union. There were both motives, political (eliminate threat of war) and economical (higher productivity and standard of living).
The EU has its own constitution and its own institutions. The European Parliament (votes about laws, etc.), the Council of the European Union (made up from presidents and prime ministers), the European Commission (driving force and executive body, makes up laws), the Court of Justice, etc.
Between members of the EU are no borders. It is easier to travel within Europe. Thanks to the EU many things became better – the environment, the democracy, the laws.
Because of new member state which were united with the EU on May 1, 2004 changes has been made and are going to be made – changes in institutions, etc.
World Trade Organization
It is an international body that promotes and enforces the provision of trade laws and regulations. It has the authority to administer and police new existing free trade agreements, to oversee world trade practices and to settle trade disputes among member states. It was established in 1994 as a replacement of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
The WTO is also a formally structured organization whose rules are legally binding on its members states.
In 2003 the WTO had 146 members. Its headquarters is in Geneva and the organization is controlled by a General Council made up of member states’ ambassadors.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
It was established in 1949 as a protection of the freedom of North Atlantic community (against the Soviet union). The organization considers an armed attack on any of its member as an attack against all its members. The treaty was also designed to encourage political, economic and social cooperation.
With the collapse of the Soviet union the role of NATO changed a little bit. NATO has concentrated on extending stability and security throughout Europe, and on peacekeeping efforts in Europe and elsewhere. Today, the organization has 26 members.
Since 1990, NATO has operated in many conflicts – Bosnia (1994,1995), Yugoslavia (1999, Kosovo), Afghanistan (2003).
The highest organ of NATO is the North Atlantic Council. The council determines policy and supervises the civilian and military agencies.