The importance of Learning English language
WHY – A language is a systematic means of communication. It is the code we all use to express ourselves and communicate with others. It is highly essential to know the language for communication. In general, the most popular language is English. It is understood and spoken almost everywhere in the world.
When a person travels to another part of the world either for the sake of business or even as a tourist, the languages may differ. In these conditions, English is the language that helps people to deal with the situation. It is like a universal language.
The presence of English in the school is good, because more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying.
HOW – The first stage of learning this language would be very interesting. Once you are fluent with the alphabets, slowly you can learn many words. It is always better to follow the method of reading first and then writing. You can use the picture book for this purpose. When you feel that you are familiar with the words, you can form sentences. The next step is learning the grammar of the language. And what do you need? In school or courses people use textbooks – good book must have a balanced proportion of all skills. People can go to private lessons. One can per hour will learn more than in a group. It is more expensive, but worth it. Fun method is reading book in English, but people shouldn’t translate every word, which they don’t understand. They can listening to the music and translate from English into other language. Other opportunity of learning english is to watch movies with subtitles, or in original version, both of these help to improve your english skill. There are websites on the Internet with people who want to write in English and improve themselves so that you can write with them. When people want to learn other language the best thing they can do is to go abroad. They can find a job there and earn money for living. It’s huge opportunity to speak the language they want to learn all day. They can learn new words or improve the accent. They can work abroad as a au-pair.
WHAT – What do we need for learning English? English books, good teacher, elecktronics, Internet, records for listening, CD’s with music, magazines with stories and other. But what is important? People can know how to learn and have the right motivation and goals.
WHEN YOU START – I think, thats good start in youg age, because is known, that the brain remembers more than in old age. There are plenty of tests, where you can prove the quality .
YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE – I study english from the first grade, but I’m not very good in English, I know it, but I also know, that English is important for life and therefore I have been going to the course . I remember the words easily, but I can’t use it in conversation and so.
HISTORY, THE ORIGIN OF ENGLAND LANGUAGE, ITS VOCABULARY, FIVE TYPES OF ENGLISH – English is the main language in 30 countries, and there are about 375 million people who speak it as their first language. It is also used as an official language in over 70 other countries such as Tanzania, India, Pakistan, and it is a second language for about 350 million people. There are about a billion people who can’t speak English, but they are learning it. In the Oxford English Dictionary is about 300,000 words, but an educated English speaker only uses about 30,000 words.
There are 5 main types of English which differ in pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary.
They are – British English, American English, Australian English, Indian English and African English
First who came to Britain, were the Celts. Today the Celts live still in Scotland, Western Ireland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany (northern France). After more than 2000 years the Celts were the only people living in Britain; than the Romans arrived they brought there new language – Latin; In 5th century the Anglo-Saxon invaded the Britain – they came from Holland, Denmark and Germany (England means ‘land of the Angels’); their language was Old English and many of their words are still in dictionaries (sheep, earth, dog, work, field; the, is, you).
English with Latin, Norse and French changed into Middle English; Around 1480 the printing press was invented, which played an important role because it fixed the English grammar and spelling.
Since William Shakespeare’s times (16th – 17th century) we call the English modern.
In 17th century Britain became the richest country in the world. It was powerful and controlled an empire of foreign country. These include India, America, Canada, New Zealand, Nigeria, Australia and South Africa. Because of this English was now an important language on every continent. Today, many of these countries are in Commonwealth it is an international club of English speaking countries.
The first English dictionary appeared in 1755.
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express – vyjádřit
essential – základní
understood – rozuměl
the sake – příčina
conditions – podmínky
to deal – jednat
pleasure – potěšení
fluent – plynulý
purpose – účel, úmysl
worth – vyplatit se
skill – schopnost
invaded – napadl
invented – vynalezl
fixed – upevnil
powerful – silný
empire – říše
foreign – zahraniční