The human body, health and diseases
Health is one of the most important things in man’s life. Everyone knows it but if you are healthy, you usually don’t appreciate it. You often realize it when your parents or one of your relative is seriously ill. At present there are more and more illnesses that we haven’t known before, but they are very dangerous and can kill. Scientists still can’t find medicines to cure some of them so we can only hope not to get them. I think that the prevention is very important and plays a big role too.
Everybody should undergo a regular check-up at least once a year. However we usually go to the doctor’s when we don’t feel well or have a temperature.
We can suffer from various illnesses beginning with common children diseases such as: measles (spalničky), chicken-pox (plané neštovice), mumps (příušnice) or scarlet-fever (spála). We usually suffer from common infections such as cold, flu, tonsillitis (angína) and so on. When we are ill we usually stay in bed, drink herbal teas, take pills, drops or vitamins and after a week or two we feel well again.
However (nicméně), the situation may sometimes be more serious and needs special treatment (léčba) in hospital, for example in case of a heart attack, appendicitis, breaking an arm or leg, an animal or snake bite, big bleeding, poisoning or in case of some really dangerous disease such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, leukemia, diabetes and so on.
Medical care of any type in our country is almost free of charge, although there are many private doctors now whom we must pay for checking-up. We pay for the most medicines but not all.
The Health insurance system is undergoing some changes at present. Employers pay health insurance for their employees but everybody must pay extra money for their health insurance. I think our National Health Service is now in crisis.
It’s true that the prevention is better than a cure. The best way to cure yourself is not to catch it. We should try to live a healthy way of life, which means we should have a good proportion of work to leisure time, between our sleep and up time. We should practise sports, we should eat healthy food with lots of vitamins, we shouldn’t smoke or drink too much alcohol.