History of the Czech republic
History of the Czech republic, National economy
862 | Cyril and Method came to Moravia |
830 – 906 | The Great Moravian Empire |
10th century – 1306 | The Premyslans |
1348 | Foundation of the Charles University ® Other Charles´s buildings: bridge, The New Town, The Hungry Wall, Karlštejn – Coronation Jewells, part of Prague castle |
1415 | John Hus´s execution (burned to death) ® Why? (He was telling true about church. Church told the people that got would for give if they pay.) = odsouzen = he was sentenced to death (take true back = vzít zpět), burn to death – upálit |
1419 – 1436 | The Hussit´s revolution – Husové x Church |
1526 | The Habsburgs came to the czech throne – 400 let vlády |
1618 – 1648 | 30 – years war šlechta x Habsburkové – chtěli moc a majetek (1620 – The Battle of the shite mountain; 1648 – The Vestfal peace – Německo) |
1799 – 1815 | Napoleon´s time – The Battle of Slavkov; 1815 – Waterloo |
1848 | The Revolution year ® uprising against the monarchy (Germany, Italy, France, Czech lands ® againts Habsburg – were very stronge Rakousko-Uhersko) – National Revival – Národní obrození |
1914 – 1918 | First World´s War ® What was the result? (Austria x France, England) – winner Austria – Česko poražení i vítězové – atentát na Ferdinanda de Este v Sarajevu (v té době jsme patřili pod Rakousko) USA – no problem with war |
1918 | Creation of the Czechoslovakia republic ® Who was president? (Republika!!!) |
1938 | The Munich treaty ® Who signed it?; What did it mean? (treaty-dohoda – Hitler, Sudety chtěli CZ) – Rusko problémy – ekonomika |
1939 | The Protectorate created – vězení |
1939 – 1945 | Second World´s War ® What was the result? (Germany x France, England, Poland, Russia, CZ) Spain, Switzerland, Norway – neutral, USA poslali vojáky |
1948 | Power seized by the communist party – Communist – February – vzali lidem majetek |
1968 | The Prague spring ® What was it? – Havel, divadla, SRPEN –tanky, Dubček – west and communist bad |
1989 | The Velvet revolution – Havel – O. F. – democratic forum |
1993 | The Czech republic – first president was Václav Havel – The Czechoslovakia was divided on the Czech republic and Slovakia |
2004 | The Czech republic becomes member of the European union |