First of all I’d like to describe the human body. The head is the upper part of our body containing the skull, brain, hair, eyes, ears, cheeks, mouth, lips, teeth, tongue and chin. The trunk connects our head with the neck. The arm consists of shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. Each hand has a palm and 5 fingers. The leg consists of the thigh, knee, calf and foot with its heel. All the body is covered by skin and there are lots of bones. Inside the body there are many organs. The most important are the heart and lungs. The others are: liver, stomach and blood.
At the doctor
We visit doctors when we feel ill or if we have any health problem. Medical care of any type in our country is free of charge, although there are now many private doctors. Everybody has a right to choose a doctor. We can go to the Health centre, policlinic, hospital or to private doctor, many factories and offices have their own doctors.
First of all we enter the waiting room. Then the nurse says „next please“ and invited us into the consulting room. She wants to see our insurence card. Doctors may ask you to strip to teh waist before they examine your chest and throat. They can also check our blood pressure, feel the pulse ro put our blood or urine through lab-tests. Doctors ussually prescribe some medicine for us – pills, antibiotics, eye drops, sleeping pills, ointments or they tell us to go on a diet. Sometimes they may X-ray our lungs or bones. We must go through many types of vaccination during our lives. Dentists may check our teeth and sometimes pull out or drill and fill them. There are various types of physicians: GP (general practitioners). Each person should undergo a regular check-up at least once a year. Dentists, surgeons, internist, oculists, paediatricians, gyneacologists, psychiatrists, dermatologists, ear and throat specialists.
In more serious cases – at injuries, casualties or case of unconsciousness – comes an ambulance car and drivers transported one to the hospital. In some heavy injury the helicopter is called up. Sometimes it is necessary to render first aid, e.g. mouth-to-mouth respiration, fixing a fractured extremity etc. Bigger ambulance cars have also got apparatus for oxygen, a reserve of infusions etc.
More serious causes – such as heater attack, appendices, breaking bones, animal or snake bite, severe bleeding, poisoning, tuberculosis, pneumonia etc. – sometimes needs special treatment in the hospital, The doctor’s care must be very attentive because human life is in danger. It is the same situation with all possible operations and surgeon interference. Heavy bleeding patients are at once anaesthetised by an injection or an inhalation of a narcotic and operated at the theatre.
It is enough to say that there are still diseases which cannot be cured such as cancer or encephalitis who’s virus is transferred by ticks and the last world threat is AIDS – because of this one must protect himself from such a diseases by increased caution.
We must go through many types of vaccination during our lives. Doctors usually prescribes some medicine to us – mainly pills, antibiotics, drops or ointments. Scarlet fever, bronchitis, otitis, chicken-pox, mumps etc. are dangerous for children of kindergarten or school age but owing to vaccination and hygiene, diseases like these above or diphtheria, hepatitis, measles etc. aren’t serious danger any more.
Now I’d like to talk about first aid. When you see an accident you may phone the ambulance (in our country it is 155) or you may accord first aid. If you are bleeding you must stop the bleeding, elevate the injury above the heart ad press with sterile compress. If you see a car accident, check if they are breathing, stop the bleeding, if there is any, don’t move with the victims unless it’s absolutely necessary, keep them warm, loosen any tight clothes and of course call the doctor. If you have any smaler wound you may dress it yourself, but if it is any larger wound you may go to the doctor. If I have any serious injury I’d rather go to a hospital or call a doctor.
First aid
try the pulse, try the breathing, put the head up, stick the tongue (the person can suffocate = zadusit se), stop bleeding by pressing special points, artificial respiration, make a plaster – two brunches and a line or scarf, when someone fainted – cold water, send him out, fresh air, sit down
I don’t know any alternative approaches. But I heard about acupuncture. It is medical stiching special needles to some parts of human body. It has an affect on our central nervous systém and it helps to banish aches. It is initially chiness medical method.
Your doctor can …
- examine you
- take your pulse
- take your temperature, with a thermometer
- listen to your heartbeat, with a stethoscope
- test your reflexes, with a hammer
- give you a check-up
- take your blood pressure
- give you some pills to take
- give you some ointment to rub in to your back, to put on your back
- give you a prescription
- give you an injection (using a syringe)
- refer you to a specialist
- send you to have an X-ray
- ask you to make another appointment
What you have to do, when you are ill?
Symptoms – You feel rotten, shivery, with an aching head, limbs, you are sweeting, you have lost your appetite, feel sick.
- stay indoors, keep warm, and keep away from other people as much as possible
- have plenty of cool drinks – water, fruit drinks, milky drinks (about 2-3 liters a day)
- if you feel shivery over 38°C or aches or pains, try taking aspirin every 4 hours during the day
- rest in the bed if you can
- try to have 3 light meals a day. But don’t force yourself to eat if you’ve lost your appetite
kidney ledvina
allergic to alergický na
allergy alergie
dust, feathers, pollen prach
bad headache migréna
Types of doctor
general practitioner všeobecný lékař
paediatrician pediatr
dentist zubař
dermatologist kožní lékař
orthopaedist ortoped
gynaecologist gynekolog
optician optik
neurologist neurolog
Ear Neck Throat specialist ušní, nosní, krční
surgeon chirurg
psychologist psycholog
vet zvěrolékař
pills pilulky
tablets prášky
injection injekce
ointment mast
solution roztok
drops kapky
gargle kloktadlo
antibiotics antibiotika
scarlet fever spála
polio, infantile paralysis dětská obrna
measles spalničky
german measles zarděnky
mumps příušnice
pox neštovice
cancer rakovina
encephalitis zánět mozkových blan
diphteria záškrt
hepatitis žloutenka
plague mor
cholera, AIDS
tonsillitis angína
influenza, flu chřipka
bronchitis zánět průdušek
pneuminia zápal plic
cold nachlazení, rýma
sore-throat bolení v krku
otitis zánět středního ucha
diarrhoea průjem
sunstroke úpal, úžeh
temperature teplota
swallow polykat
hoarse ochraptělý
feel dizzy mít závrať
faint mdloba
unconsciousness bezvědomí
be exhausted být vyčerpaný
rash vyrážka
blister puchýř
bruise modřina
black eye monokl
sprain ankle vymknutý kotník
stretch muscle natažený sval
hurt zranit
bleed krvácet
feel sick cítit se špatně
be sick stonat
plaster náplast, sádra
filling plomba
put in a filling zaplombovat
sting dát žihadlo
injure zranění
ailment onemocnění
prevention prevence
symptom příznak
diagnosis diagnóza
cure vyléčit
treatment léčba
prescription recept
to prescribe předepsat
scratch škrábnutí
stab bodnutí
vaccine vakcína
wound zranění
disease choroba
contagious nakažlivý
cough kašel
fever horečka
hypochondriac hypochondr, -ický
malignant zhoubný
tumour nádor
rebandage převaz
ambulance car sanitka
stretcher nosítka
crutches berle
respiration dýchání
to X-ray – rentgenovat
to bleed krvácet
bump boule
fatal, lethal smrtelný
bandage obvaz
disinfectant desinfekce
cotton wool vata
pure spirit čistý líh
acid kyselina
tick klíště
to transfer přenášet
virus vir
nurse zdravotní sestra
surgery vytřovna
hospital ward pokoj v nemocnici
operating theatre operační sál