Food, restaurants, eating at home
In our country daily meals usually start with breakfast. It consist of something to drink, such as tea with sugar and lemon, warm or cold milk or a cocoa. Most people have for their breakfast something, which is not „too heavy“ for their stomach. It can be several slices of bread, rolls or buns with jam, cheese, eggs, ham, salami, many kinds of fruit, such as oranges, apples, bananas, grapefruits and so on… Quite a lot of people eat cereal ot cornflakes with ingredients like yoghurt, chocolate, fresh stewed fruit, walnuts, hazelnuts or simply with fresh milk. We must always remember, that breakfast is very important for our health. Many people haven´t breakfast, because they don´t have time for it, they have to go to the work early. It is very big fault, which can damage your health forever. Breakfast must be light and easily digestible.
Around noon it is lunchtime… We can have something sweet before lunchtime as a snack. Most people, especially students, take their meals at the school canteen. According to my own experience I must say, that the conditions there are terrible! Everything must be eaten in a hurry and there is a lot of noise. People, which are older and have their own jobs must have a lunchbreak. It is usually one hour long. They prefer going to restaurant or having fast food in a McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken or in Pizza Hut, which is very popular in the United States. But I assume that these meals are neither healthy nor substantial. Soups may be either vegetable (potato, tomato, pea, bean, carrot, parsley, celery, mushrooms) or meat teas (beef tea, tripe, chicken, hen). The main dish can be either sweet such as fruit dumplings or pancakes with jam and cream. Or we can have some meat (beef, pork, veal, mutton, lamb) with some vegetables such as potatoes, chips, rice, Czech dumpling, pasta or bread. More healthy fish and poultry are slowly replacing beef and pork. It?s healthy to drink at least one glass of mineral water, juice, tea or beer, after each meal. Scientists recommend drinking at least two litres of water per a day. It is also recommended to have one glas of vine, because it helps absorb the meal.
In the afternoon it is recommended to have at least one snack. Something sweet and healthy, for example some candy bar. Or some fresh fruit, which you can buy on some market. The break between lunchtime and dinnertime is too long and if you have an active style of your life, you could be very hungry and exhausted.
At six or seven in the evening comes time for dinner. At this time the entire family is usually together. People often prepare warm dishes, but I prefer some cold dish. Bread and rolls with ham, cheese, butter and a lot of fruit. On some occasions we even go out to restaurants. There we can choose from a menu of various dishes. Roast pork with sauerkraut and dumplings, chicken with rice, fried pork chops with mashed potatoes, filet of fish with potato salad, roasted sirloin beef in sour cream sauce and Czech dumplings. For variety we can order a vegetable salad prepared from tomatoes or cucumbers, stewed fruits or a dessert.
While cooking we may add various spices such as garlic, marjoram, pepper, ketchup, vinegar, mustard, onions, and so on. It is not recommended to eat after the dinner, especially in the late evening hours. The body is naturally preparing for the sleep and some next meals causes, that the stomach „have some work to do“ and it can seriously damage your health. It also can cause some sleeping problems, absorbing problems and so on…
Inappropriate food is the cause of quite a few diseases. More frequent now are disorders of the digestive track, stomach and small and large intestine. It is noteworthy but not surprising, that young people are now suffering from these diseases. It is because of fast food. So we should always keep in mind also our health and not just listen to our stomach and the fact that we are hungry.
When you want to be slimmer you can try to go on a diet, but I don?t believe in that, because when you eat something with more calories, then all the weight you lost will be back again. It is better to eat more vegetables and fruits, cereal, and other low caloric and healthy food. And it is also better to eat your last meal before seven PM. Finally, when you sit and do nothing, then all the calories are turned into fat, so I can recommend that you should be more active. Discover some active sport, such as running, riding the bicycle or swimming and you will see, that your kilogrammes will be down in a while… I really recommend this, i know that from my own experience.
And now I want to say something about restaurants. Obviously, the fastest and the cheapest way to have a meal is to buy it in some fast food shop. You can have hamburger or cheeseburger in McDonald´s or hot-dog, which you can buy in some hot-dog stand. It is prepared very quickly, it is very cheap, but the main thing is, that this food is absolutely unhealthy. Better thing you can do is to go to some not-so-expensive restaurant, order some soup and as a main dish some meat with potatoes or rice. You can eat it in a calm atmosphere of the restaurant and not on some dirty noisy street. If you have a lot of money or some reason for celebration, then you will probably choose some expensive restaurant… There you can have many kinds of meals – even some exotic ones, like roasted sharks or kangaroo steak, which is very popular in these times… But your wallet will be probably totally empty after one dinner in this restaurant. We know many kinds of meals and many kinds of restaurants. The main problem is to choose the right one.