Food is a very important aspect of our lives. We have to eat or we would die. Of course you can take all the nourishment from a drink but it wouldn’t be the same, because cooking is an art, which pleases us.
Eating tendencies
Even today people eat unhealthy. They eat a lot of fat. But I think a healthy way of eating is more preferred nowadays. People eat more fish, vegetable fats, fruits and vegetables. I think that it is caused by the discoveries in science. Scientists have showed to the world that some kinds of food can affect our health and also can bring on some illnesses. But my opinion is that nothing should be overstrained.
Thanks to the media a lot of people go on a diet. They want to be more attractive and don’t have that ugly fat body. There is a huge variety of diets. You can use some preparations which promise you a slimmer body, or for me more acceptable reducing of the food income. I think that very efficient is to eat less food which contains lipids.
As you can find people who eat healthy and people who are on a diet, you can find people with a special nourishment. Into this group of people belong sportsmen. On the one hand they eat healthy and on the other they also take special preparations for their muscles and joints, because they lose more vitamins and minerals then a normal human.
Nowadays, it isn’t uncommon that you meet a vegetarian. This group of people resists eating meat in any form. They get the essential proteins from other sources such as beans, eggs, cheese etc. There also exist radical vegetarians who don’t even eat eggs.
Meals of day
Every day starts for most people with breakfast. Typical drinks for this stage of day are coffee, tea or juice. People in our country have some kind of bread with salami, cheese or marmelade. Cornflakes with milk are very popular. Unlike us, the British like a bigger breakfast. You can see bacon, eggs, toasts on a British table.
A day continues with a morning snack for which we have in our country a longer brake in school. Children usually have some bread and pastries. Adults have to work so they have something small with coffee or only coffee.
The most important meal is lunch because not every one of us has dinner. A hot meal minimally once a day is thought to be very important for our digestion. Lunch is consisted of a soup and a main course. In our country potatoes are very popular. On the other hand the British eat something small for lunch and the Americans don’t take enough time to eat lunch so they visit fast food restaurants.
In afternoon, snack is typical for us. This meal of this stage of day is compounded of any light food. Adults usually drink their second or third coffee of day. The British are renowned for their teatime, which takes place at this stage of day.
Dinner is the next in the line. Dinner can be thought as some kind of special, because the whole family eats together. It is nearly the same as lunch. It consists of some soup and a main course, it can be closed with some desert. It is not unusual that dinner is cold. Many people have a hot lunch so they don’t spend their time on doing a hot dinner. But for the British, dinner is the main meal of day. They take time for preparing it and it is also a family event for them.
National cuisines
We have many meals which are not found anywhere else. Our national meal is roast pork, dumplings and cabbage. You can make a choice in a vast variety of goulashes. We also have fruit dumplings and our beef sirloin with cream sauce and dumplings is renowned. It is said that our national cuisine is unhealthy (it consists fatty food). We also wish “dobrou chuť” before eating.
The British prefer red meat. They also eat more fruit and vegetable salads than us. Their specialty is pudding, they have a vast selection of puddings.
As for the USA, it is hard to say what the typical meals are, because it is very heterogeneous nation and it consists many national cuisines. As for their eating habits, they use only fork to eat.
There are also the traditional meals for the special occasions such as Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving. In our country we traditionally eat a fish soup, a fried carp with potato salad. The British have roast turkey with chestnut stuffing, potatoes and the Christmas pudding for Christmas Eve. The Americans are on the other hand known for their turkey and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.
You can make a choice of another very rich national cuisines. Restaurants from many countries are in most cities. Very popular is the Chinese and the Italian cuisine. Greek, Indian and Arabic restaurants are easy to find. As from the rich variety of national cuisines you can make a choice of type of restaurant as well. I think that on the bottom lie pubs, you can get a very cheap meal, but the surrounding isn’t so nice. On the opposite site are first-class restaurants. You can get a delicious meal there and the surrounding is fabulous, but you should check your cash before you enter this type of restaurant. But fast food restaurants are the most popular, here represented by McDonald’s and KFC. Eating in these kinds of restaurants is considered as very unhealthy because there is served food, which contains a lot of fat and on the other hand people don’t take time to eat and they eat in a hurry.
As for myself I like food a lot. As any other person I like unhealthy meals but I am trying to reduce it and am trying to eat more fish, which are very healthy. I am also trying not to eat fatty meals and French fries. Amongst my favorite food belong chocolate, pizza, chicken and our national meal. I would also like to try the Mexican cuisine.