Flowers, plants, animals, zoos, natural reserves…
Hedge živý plot bear medvěd
Crocuse krokus hare, rabbit zajíc
Primrose petrklíč boar divočák
Snowflake bledule deer vysoká zvěř
Snowdrop sněženka woodpecker datel
Hyacint hyacint owl sova
Daffodil narcis game zvěřina
Bud poupě pheasant datel
Bush, shrub keř predatory bird dravec
Bloom kvést eagle orel
To be in blossom kvést falcon sokol
Thorn trn bob cat, lynx lynx rys ostrovid
Prickly pichlavý hawk jestřáb
Tulip tulipán rodent hlodavec
Dahlia jiřina mole krtek
Peony pivoňka weasel lasička
Carnation karafiát marten kuna
Gladiol mečík beaver bobr
Iris kosatec otter vydra
Posy, posies luční kvítí crow vrána
In medows na lukách raven havran
daisy sedmikráska sparrow vrabec
forget-me-not pomněnka swollow vlaštovka
marygold blatouch magpie straka
dandelion pampeliška robin čermák
ox-eye-daisy kopretina tortois želvičky
lily of the valley konvalinka parrot papoušek
hawthorne blok endangered ohrožený
lilac šeřík to be doomed to extinction-být odsouzen k zániku
wild rose šípkový keř poacher pytlák
blackthorne trnka tusk kel
evergreen trees jehličnany ivory slonovina
pine borovice fur kožešina
fir jedle minx norek
larch modřín sable sobol
spruce smrk fly moucha
deciduous trees listnaté stromy gnat komár
poplar topol butterfly motýl
elm jilm dragonfly vážka
willow-tree vrba worm červ
maple javor earthworm žížala
oak dub leech pijavice
beech buk snail, slug šnek, mlž
chestunt-tree kaštan beetle brouk
conkers kaštany(plody) catterpillar housenka
lime-tree lípa ladybird beruška
birch bříza whale velryba
fox liška mammal savec
cod, haddock treska tuna fish tuňák
herring sleď octopus chobotnice
seal tuleň seagull racek
carp kapr pike štika
conger mořský úhoř barbel sumec
trout pstruh poultry drůbež
goose husa duck kachna
hen slepice cock kohout
peacock páv turkey krocan
well-bred čistokrevný breed plemeno
hamster křeček guinea-pig morče
budgie andulka infested zamořený
- flowers and plants
Many people are interested in gardening. If someone is very good gardener, he/she is a greenfinger. Women like flowers, modern trend is to have natural garden-landscape garden(natural park with flowers, trees and bushes). In GB they have often hedges, we have fence.
The garden changes with seasons:
- spring- crocuses, primroses, snowflakes, daffodills…the nature Wales up after winter, trees have buds, they are in blossom-fruit trees estecially-apple tree, apricot tree, cherry tree, pear tree…
- summer – it is the best season of the zdar, many flowers bloom-roses, tulips, dahlias, peonies, carnations, gladiols, irises…; in medows tere are daisies, posies, dandelions…
- shrubs: lilac, wild rose, blackthorne…
- evergreen trees:pine, fir, larch…
- deciduous trees:poplar, elm, willow-tree, maple, oak, beech…
- conservation of wildlife
In the nature there exit many habitats which are neccessary for individual animal species(wood, field, watercourses, river, sea..). Problem is that these habitats are very often polluted and destroyed by man-grooves disappear, waters are polluted, people build new cities, routes, factories …I tis very important for present generation to conserve wildlife.
- animal killed for profit
Elephants are killed for tusks, ivory, minx, foxes and sobols for furs, crocodilles for skin…In some countries they have fur farmes, they breed these animals for furs. Many people refuse to wear furs(fake-napodobenina).
- domestic animals
People have thein own farm(sheep, horses, poultry, cows, pigs..). They also have thein pets at home-cats, dogs, parrots in cages, gold fish in a bowl…
- vivi-section
It is experimenting on animals. To some extect i tis necessary to experiment(medical). The trend is to minimize the numer of operations. Some cosmetic firms do not do this anymore-it is written on thein wrappers:not tested on animals. Laboratory animals-most used are mice, cats, monkeys, dogs, rabbits, pigs…
Cloning is experimenting with genes-the scientist have managed to produce a genetical identical shep(Dolly). We never knot these results, because these animals can develope some diseases.
- cruelty to animals
Many people want to have animals, but they do not know how treat to them. They are sometimes very cruel-even children. The attacks of dogs are results of maltreatment or they are provocked. The dog must be walked and trained. We have a law-if the animal is malteated, it can be taken away and the owner pay some sconce.
- zoos
Very often animals could not stay in small cages, because they are very stressful. Zoos try to open their spaces. Berger solution is a park(national)-the habitat is natural. Teh podest is Yellowstone national park.
Primeval forest-prales