- Pollution
- air
- the biggest problem in large cities
- is caused by smoke from factories, dust, smells to car and lorry exhaust and harmful chemical waste
- the greatest problem is smog
- with water pollution is a big danger
- water – contamination by industry, coal mines
- soil
- contamination by
- chemicals
- pesticides (which kill insects)
- lead
- acide rain,…
- contamination by
- air
- Trees
- are important for our life
- are the lungs of our planet
- give out the oxygen
- Rain forest
- are being destroyed for firewood and building materials
- are production of oxygen
- animals are losing their homes and dying out
- people need more space, factories, paper and wood so they cutting trees and rain forest
- Global warming
- is caused by greenhouse effect
- climate changes and it is dangerous for people and animals
- the temperature and the sea level are rising
- icecaps are melting
- floods
- Floods
- is caused by long heavy rains or whena lot of snow melt in the spring and water run down from mountains
- are damaged houses, bridges, roads and killed people and animals who don’t run away in time
- Ozone layer
- is in the atmosphere
- protects life on Earth from (against) ultraviolet rays – skin cancer is caused
- people protect to use creams, don’t sunbathe along time,…
- It is caused by the use of gas (plynový) freons
- The hole is caused by the chemicals and it is getting larger.
- Endangered species
- are hunting by people for skin, meat and money
- are dying out because the environment is wrong
- haven’t got to drink and eat because people are cutting rain forest
- Waste
- we should sort and recycle (use again)
- nuclear waste is dangered and radioactive
- they should take in space or another country
- dump into the sea
- burry into the ground
- Earthquake
- is caused movement of the litospheric bords and explosions of volcanoes
- bulding fall down and everybody is in danger
- under the ocean can cause a big tidal wave
- volcanoes produce a lot of dust, smoke and lava
- pours out and burns everything
- Smog
- we can’t breathe
- is very unhealthy
- is in larger cities
- Acide rain
- kills fish and trees
- Another problems of today’s world
- famine in Africa
- terrorism
- illnesses – people infected with HIV virus
- life in big cities – overcrowded, overpopulated
What can we personally do to protect the environment?
- save energy (switch off the light when leaving)
- save water (have a shower than a bath)
- sort the waste – sort out the waste and put in into the containers
- use the public transport or bike
- put litter only into litter bins (not in the streets)
- we should try to use alternative sources of energy – solar, water, wind, geothermal and perhaps tidal energies