Education in the UK and the USA
School is compulsory for children and young people between the ages 5 and 16. Schools are mainly state schools but there are also some private (public) and church schools. In the United Kingdom children and also students have to wear school uniforms. The UK educational system has 4 types of education. The first is pre-school education. In this education system children attend nursery school/playgroup. This is not compulsory, but 47 percent of children attend. This is for children between the ages 3 and 4. After nursery school they go to primary school to the age of 11 and after that continue to secondary school to the age of 16. When they finish their compulsory education they have to do the school leaving exam GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and they can stay at school for 2 more years. This is called sixth form. If a student wants to go to the university, he has to pass exams called “A” level. It means exams in 3 or 4 subjects.
In the most states the education is compulsory from the age of 6 to 16, another option is homeschooling In the USA letter grades are used in reports. From A to F, A is the best and F is the worst. Pupils don´t have to wear school uniforms, but many schools have dress codes.
Children younger than five can go to a nursery school or preschool. At the age of five or six, the children attend elementary school (also known as grade school or grammar school), which last six years. The first year at elementary school is called kindergarten. At elementary school pupils primarily learn how to read, write and count. After elementary school, students attend middle school (also known as junior high school) for three years. Then they continue at high school. In some states, students have to stay in school until they are 18 years old. After high school they can study at university. Harvard, Yale and Princeton are the most prestigious universities.