Czech Republic – basic facts, geography
I would like to talk about basic facts and geography in the Czech republic.
The country lies in the heart of Europe. The Czech Republic border on the north-east with Poland, on the south-east with Slovakia, on the south with Austria and on the west with Germany.
In Czech Republic live 10,5 million people. The most immigrant came from Slovakia then from Ukraine, Poland, Vietnam, Germany, Russia and Hungary. The Czech Republic is parliamentary republic. The Czech Republic have one of the least religious populations in the world. It is in mild climate.
The highest mountain is Sněžka. Sněžka is 1603 metre above sea level. Sněžka be located in Krkonoše mountain. Another mountains are Šumava, Czech forest, Krušné mountain, Jizerské mountain, Orlické mountain, Králický Sněžník and Jeseníky. The longest river is Elbe. Elbe has 370 kilometre. Elbe rise in Krkonoše mountain on Labská meadow. Another rivers are the river Vltava, the river Morava, the river Ohře, the river Sázava and the river Dyje. Lowlands are around the rivers. For example Polabská lowland, Dolnomoravská valley and Hornomoravská valley.
Earlier was 7 regions. It was together with Slovakian regions in year 1960. Now we have 14 autonomous regions. Czechoslovakia was created in 28th October in year 1918. The Czech Republic was created in 1st January in year 1993.
The Czech Republic have 14 regions. Our school is in Middle Bohemia region.
The Czech Republic is republic with parliamentary democracy. State power consist of 3 branches. It is Legislative power, Executive power and Juridiciary power. Legislative power representiv by Parliament and two houses. It consist The Chamber of Deputies (elected every 4 years) and The Senat (one third is elected every 6 years). The Chamber of Deputies has 200 members. The Senat has 81 members. Executive power representiv by President and Government. Government consist of Prime minister and ministers. Juridiciary power representiv by The Cnstitutional court, The Supreme court and system of court.
State symbols are flag, big and small emblem, presidential standard, state seal, state colors and national anthem Where is my home. The flag has 3 colors red, blue and white. Josef Kajetán Tyl wrote national anthem and music composed František Škroup.
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