Curriculum Vitae
My name is Eva Mišunová. I was born in Opava on September 3rd, 1985. My father, Lubomír Mišun, was born in Kroměříž on my brother´s feaste, on April 19th, 1955. He works in Vítkovice.
My mother, Jarmila Mišunová, was born in Bílovec in the same day, when she has got feaste (fi:st-svátek), on February 4th, 1958. She is pharmacy (farmasi) chemist (chemik) and she works in the chemist´s in Stará Bělá. I have got one step-sister (nevlastní) Simona, she works as hairdresser and two brother, Rosťa is in army and Přemek works as projektor (predžektr-projektant).
From 1986-1988 I attend nursery school. Then I went to the kindergarden, where I can draw, and play in collective. When I was 7, I started to visit primary school for 9 years. Now I attend secondary school. Our school is named Secondary special school and Vocational school for handicapped youth. The branch, what I study, is named Trade. Next year in May I will pass graducation exam. In the spring I will try to apply (přihlásit-eplai) for some tertiary school.
I would study foreign languages, because I like speaking English, and I would study Spanish. I think, languages are very important in our lives. I have been studying English 8years, and Germany only 3years.
When I was small child, I liked to play volleyball and basketball. Now I haven´t got a much time,that I like surfing on the internet, reading novels, swimming and playing football.
I like travelling very much, I was on the school trip in GB 2 years ago, it was very interresting trip, I went to the Croatia with my boyfriend last year and this summer we were in the sea in the Spain. I like swimming, diving, and basking (basking-opalování). We are planing (plen-plánovat) to go to GB to earn some money next year.
In the future I would like to travel around Europe and test my knowledge of languages.