Crimes and punishment
Crimes has been a very big problem for whole existence of our mankind.
I am sure that nowadays the crime is the bad part of the world where we live.
In my opinion most crimes are commited for money , not against the people. But I dont know.
- Why do people commit crimes?
So people commit crimes to be more powerful, to be rich and to have a lot of money. But someone can be obsessed with for example killing people.
We can invide the crimes into 4 groups.
- The first group, there are
– drivers offences- illegal parking, speeding, driving against the red
-Shoplifting-stealing something from the opened shop
- In the second group we include- burglary-when someone breaks into a flat or office and steal something
-Robbery- breaking into a bank and stealing money
- Crimes against people
-Attacking someone and hurt him
-the rape
-kidnapping-taking someone and demand money for his release
- Economical crimes
-borrow money from someone and not to return it
-sale false things
-smuggling-importing or exporting things secretly
So we know a lot of punishment.
- Community service- vandalism, spraying the wall ,
- Fines-for speeding, illegal parking, when teenagers drink alcohol,smoke
- House arrest-
- Prison-Serious crimes
- Capital punishment-death penalty-what do you think about?
So, its a hard question, and its hard to answer… Yes and no…
Because when someone murdered 20 people and he still smiles, I am defenitely for YES.
But NO because I believe that a lot of people can changed.
- What crimes would you punish more strictly?
I would punish more strictly murder because in my opinion murder is the most serious crime ever. And then I would punish more strictly crimes against children. Because they are powerless and can’t do anything
- How has crime changed over the years?
I think that crimes hasn’t changed.. But nowadays a lot of people have TV and buy a news so they know about it
- Do you consider our town a safe place to live?
I think that my town (nové veselí ) is a safe place . There aren’t a lot of people and we know each other.
- What crime are you afraid of?
I am afraid of the rape because I think that its the most personal thing .
- Have you ever done anything illegal?
Yea, when I was 5 years old, I went to shop with my mum and I stole a lollipop secretly….:D
- Have you ever witnessed a crime?
No I havent, and I wouldnt want to.. Then you can have a lot of problems.