For many people in our country food, eating sometimes aslo cooking is a pleasure. There are some people who eat just once a day – they have one continues meal, others cut down on some fat and sugar or go on a diet. For many others cooking and eating isn’t so important they don’t care much about meals.
We will start with cooking process. We can cook several ways:
- simple and classical boiling
- fat but tasty frying
- time taking and delicious baking
- quite healthy but unpopular braising
- very popular outdoor roasting
Meals as soup, dumplings or pasta are prepared in way known as boiling. Boiling is heat preparation of food, when food is affected by boiling water or steam in normal or higher air pressure.
Frying is heat preparation, when we affect food with warm oil, best temperatur is about 180 Celsius degrees. Frying is very popular Czech Republic, because it is realy fast and tasty. Fried meals are also beeing sold in fast food stands. But frying is one of most unhealthy way of cooking.
We can bake bread, all kinds of meat, sweets etc. Baking is based on intensive warming baked meal with air. Baked meals are usually main dishes of day. Baking is also one of the most commonly used ways of preparation of meals in families and it’s really much healthier then frying.
Is well known as way of cooking for protagonists of clear nutrition, because it’s healthy, complicated and often untasty. Meals are braised, when we affect ingredients with hot steam and water in sealed space, temperature is not so high and braising is slower.
In USA is roasting not just way how to prepare food, but it also means meeting of friends and community event. In our country roasting is not so frequent. Roasted meal is meal prepared on opened fire. Sometimes prepared food is foil-wrapped.
Daily eating
We have 5 meals a day: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, snack and supper. Where lunch means main dish af day.
Our first food is usually breakfast. Most frequently we eat bread with (and) butter and jam, cheese or ham, we drink milk, tea or coffee. We must always remember that breakfast must be healthy, light and easily digestible.
In the middle of the morning we have morning snack, which consist from slice of bread with butter and salami or cheese.
Around noon is lunchtime. It is our main meal. A lot of people take (eat) their lunch at a local canteen or at a school canteen, but at weekends we usually cook lunch at home. Our lunch is made up with soup and the main dish, which can be followed, by vegetable salad or desert.
In time, when common czech worker returns to home from job, he is used to eat afternoon snack or second lunch. Afternoon snack is similar or same as morning snack.
The Czech evening meal isn’t so nutritions /njutrišns/, if people have a hot meal at midday. It may be some cold meat, salami, ham, cheese, eggs, bread or roast and some vegetables. Some people prefer a hot meal too.
The Czech Kitchen
The Czech diet is not very healthy. It is based on meat, especially pork. Our national meal is roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut. Popular dishes include Wiener schnitzel with potato salad, roast beef with a cream sauce or cabbage soup with sausage. Most meat is served with plum dumplings. Czech beer is famous all over the world for its taste and potency. Bohemian and Moravian wines are well known as well. The most popular spirit drink is „Slivovice“, a plum brandy.