CESTOVÁNÍ – dopravní prostředky, na letišti, na nádraží – anglicky
timetable – jízdní řád
crowded – přeplněný
cannot – neumět, nebýt schopen
cause – způsobit
pollution – znečištění
amount – množství
carry – přinést
ground – zem
far below – daleko pod sebou
Transport can be divided into private and public land, air and sea transport.
Private transport can include cars, trucks, motorbikes, bicycles and so on. Public transport includes trams, underground trains and so on. All of these are types of land transport. Air travel mainly means airplanes. Sea transport for people includes ferries, ocean liners, yachts, ships.
First, I would like to speak about public transport. Bus travels a regular route at regular times during the day and into the night. If you want to travel by bus, you must go to bus stop, where there will be a bus timetable. If the bus arrives, you can get in. Then you must pay for bus ticket. Travelling by bus has many advantages. You can read a book, drink or eat. The main advantage of buses is that they are usually the cheapest way to travel from town to town. Travelling by bus also has some disadvantages. Bus is sometime crowded and delayed. Bus can get stuck in traffic jam so travelling by bus can be for people sometimes stressful. In big cities you can use underground because it is very fast and it is crowded very often. But underground has some advantages. Travelling by underground is cheap and there are no traffic jams.
Travelling by train is faster and more comfortable then bus. There are no traffic jams. You can do some work, use laptop or mobile phone or read. You can use toilette. Travelling by train and by bus is better for the environment because cars cause a lot of pollution in cities. Travelling by train has some disadvantages. Firstly, it is more expensive then bus. Secondly, trains are sometimes crowded and delayed. You have to travel at certain times and trains cannot take you from door to door f. e. you need bus or car to take you to railway station. If you can travel by train, you must go to railway station and buy ticket. Then you can go to platform and get on the train. Sometime you must travel by slow train. It is much slower then fast train.
If you want to stop when you want, you can travel by car. When travelling long distances, going by car gives you freedom to go and stop wherever you want. It is comfortable because you don´t have to rely on the bus or train company to be on time. On the other hand, petrol is quite expensive and it causes a lot of pollution. Travelling by car can be stressful sometimes because cars can get stuck in traffic jams.
When travelling even longer distances, for example when going to a foreign country, you can also fly by plane. A flight ticket can be a bit expensive and flying isn´t the best for environment because it causes a lot of pollution. The airport can be stressful experience with all the security procedures, and the amount of luggage you can carry is limited. On the other hand, flying is very fast and convenient for long journeys. Some people are afraid of flying, and the take – off and landing make them nervous. Sometimes you can have turbulence and it isn´t good. Others like to look out of plane window and see the ground far below.
If you can travel by plane, first, you have to buy a fly ticket. You can reservation and buy fly ticket on the internet. When passengers get to the airport, they can put their luggage, suitcase or bag on a trolley and go to the check – in desk. There, they show their ticket and passport and put their luggage on the scales. They can take hand luggage on the plane with them. The person at the check – in desk often asks: Do you want a window seat or an aisle seat? The person at the check – in desk gives the passenger a boarding card. There is number your fly and your gate. Sometimes your flight can be delayed or cancelled f. e. because bad weather is. Then you must wait on other fly. If isn´t any problem and you finish all security procedures, then you can go to your gate. If is your gate opens, you show your boarding card, and then you get on the plane. Firstly, you must fasten your seat belt. If isn´t any problem, the plane take on in time. In plane work usually two pilots and some stewardess or steward. They help you with everything or offer food and drinks. If the plane land you take off. Then you can collect you luggage and you can leave the airport.
I prefer travelling by bus and by car. Travelling by bus is for me comfortable because I can read, listen to music or learn to school. Travelling by car is comfortable too because I can stop when I want.