Animal and plants around us, nature
Animals are part of the environment, too. Milions of them are killed or treated cruelly by man every day. Animals are used for scientific research. Animals are killed for sport or for their fur or skin. Animals are in danger because the environment is in danger. They are often kept in cruel conditions on farms. Animals shouldn’t suffer.
Endangered species (animals in need)
Everyone now „Red Book of Endangered species”. There used to be a lot of different kind of animals few centuries ago. Indians hunted bison for food but when white men came they hunted it for fun. People hunt whales of dolphins for money. There used to be a lot of elephants in Africa but Humans nearly extirpate them. But it’s better now than few years ago. Special organizations care about endangered species and they helped them. They try to save what they can. Poachersare punished but sometimes it’s not enough.
bay záliv
cliff útes
dam hráz, přehrada
desesert poušť
estuary ústí do moře
harbour přístav
inlet zátoka, úžina; ústí
marsh mokřina, bažina, močál
peak štít
peninsula poloostrov
shore pobřeží
stream potok
waterfall vodopád
mountain hora
range pohoří
hill kopec
slope svah
valley údolí
contryside krajina
plain rovina
low country nížina
cave jeskyně
abyss propast
river řeka
river bank břeh řeky
brook potok
spring pramen
flow téci
peninsula polostov
animal zvíře
domesctic domácí
wild divoké
pet mazlíček
puppy štěně
kitten kotě
keep chovat
hen slepice
cock kohout
chicken kuře
goose husa
gosling house
duck kachna
pigeon holub
canary kanárek
hare zajíc
pheasant bažant
roe srna
stag jelen
hunt lovit
angle chytat ryby
nest hnízdo
sparrow vrabec
starling špaček
blackbird kos
swallow vlašťovka
skylark skřivan
nightingale slavík
sea-gull racek
stork čáp
crow vrána
eagle orel
falcon sokol
viper zmije
frog žába
lizard ještěrka
worm červ
earthworm/rainworm žížala
snail hlemýžď
bear medvěd
monkey opice
feed krmit
cage klec
fly moucha
gnat komár
bee včela
wasp vosa
butterfly motýl
cobweb pavučina
beetle brouk
creep lézt
bite kousnout, štípnout
coniferous jehličnatý
deciduous listnatý
alley alej
fir jedle
spruce smrk
pine borovice
cone šiška
oak dub
birch bříza
lim-tree/linden lípa
chestnut kaštan
poplar topol
willow vrba
leaf (leaves) list
branch větev
stem kmen
mushroom houba
boletus hřib
moss mech
shrub/bush keř, křoví
fruit-tree ovocný strom
apple-tree jabloň
peer hruška
plum švestka
apricot meruňka
blossom květ, kvést
grow růst
fruit plod
ripe zralý
orchard ovocný sad
flower-bed záhon
bunch kytice
smell sweet vonět
tulip tulipán
liliac šeřík
violets fialky
snowdrops sněženky
lilies-of-the-valley konvalinky
orchid orchidej
grass tráva
lawn trávník
meadow louka
dandelion pampeliška
botanical garden botanická zahrada
plant rostlina
herbs léčivé byliny
field pole
corn obilí
wheat pšenice
rye žito
barley ječmen
oats oves
maize kukuřice
hop chmel
vegetables zelenina
peas hrách
cucumber okurka
cabbage zelí
carrot mrkev
onion cibule
garlic česnek
peach broskev
cherry třešně
strawberry jahoda
bilberry borůvka
raspberry malina
sky obloha
planet planeta
oxygen kyslík
annual roční
flood povodeň; zatopit
wilderness přírodní rezervace