American system of government
The United States of America is a federation of 50 states with 48 on the continent, Alaska in the North and Hawaii in the Mid-Pacific. There is also one district D.C. (district of Columbia). This territory is not a state and the state capital is situated here.
The USA system of government is based on the Constitution of the United States adopted in 1787. The first amendments are known as the Bill of Rights (1791). This document guarantees the basic rights of individual Americans: freedom of religion, free speech, free press, the right to fair trial etc. The Constitution set up a federal system of states with a strong central government. Rights and powers were divided between the individual states and the central or federal government.
The federal government controls matters connecting the country as a whole: defence, foreign affairs, finance, commerce etc. But each of 50 states is sovereign, having its own state government and the Governor.
The federal goverment has three branches – legislative (Congress), executive (President) and judicial (Supreme Court).
The President is the head of State, the Chief Executive and Commander-in-chief of the Army. Presidential powers are rather big. He proposes bills, can veto or refuse a bill, makes treaties, appoints federal judges, ambassadors. His official residence is the White House in Washington. The President together with his Vice‑President is elected every four years – he cannot be elected more than twice, must be a natural-born US citizen and must be at least 35 years old. The only presidents, who was elected fourtimes was F.D.Roosvelt. The presidential elections is the most important event in the political life of the USA, because the President is elected by people. US citizens must be eighteen years old to vote. The President is inaugurated on 20th Jenuary the following year. The Cabinet (has 14 departments – State, Treasury, Defence, Justice, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health, Energy, Education…) is responsible to the President. The Vice-President is the chairman of the Senate and in the absence of the President the chairman of the Cabinet meeting. He is automatically succeeds to the presidency if the President dies.
The US Congress is the supreme legislative authority. It consist of the Senat and House of Representatives. The building in Washington, in which the Congress seats, is the Capitol.
The Senate has 100 members, two from each state, who serve six years. A Senator has to be at least 30 years old and a citizen of the USA for 9 years, living in the state that elects him.
The House of Representatives consists of 435 lawmakers who are elected for two years according to the population of each state. A candidate has to be at least 25 years old and a citizen of the USA for 7 years. The chairman of the House of Representatives is called the Spekar. The House of Representatives is less powerful than Senat.
The US Congress is a law-making body. Both branches of it must approve bills and the President must sign them before they can become law. Congress can pass laws over the President’s veto by a two-thirds majority.
There are two main political parties in the USA – The Democratic Party and The Republican Party.
The Democratic Party (liberal centre) – is more liberal. They think that the government should provide wide social and economic programmes for those, who need them (the poor, students, unemployed, etc.). Their symbol is donkey.
The Republican Party (centre right) – is for private enterprise and individual initiative. Their symbol is elephant.
The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court, which consist of nine judges. Justices are appointed by the President, but confirmed by the Senat. The Supreme Court watch over President and Congress and determines whether their laws and acts are in accordance with the Constitution. It also final court of appeal.
Each of 50 states has its own goverment and makesits own laws concerning sales taxes, education, speed limits, enviromental protection, unemployment benefits, gambling, drinking and divorce. Federal laws apply to all states and citizens. The Federal Goverment controls national taxes and the armed forces.
The USA is the member of all major international organisations.
The American flag of two parts – one smaller blue oblong with 50 white stars symbolising 50 American states, and 6 white and 7 red stripes symbolising the original 13 states. The flag is sometimes called „Old Glory“ or „Stars and stripes“. Each state has its own flag.
The American national anthem is called „The Star-Spangled Banner“, it was written in 1814.