We must care about our physical health, because our body is unique and can be easily vulnerable.
To stay health we should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, drink water not fizzy-drinks, eat 5 times in a day small serving, sleep about 8 hours, do sports, avoid stress and think positively. We shouldn´t drink too much alcohol, smoke, eat fast food.
In this time, people work to much and they forget about mental health. They should avoid stress, do yoga or just for 15 minutes lay down and relax.
Now I want to mention some disease:
children´s diseases are measles (spalničky), chicken pox (neštovice), rubella (zarděnky), mumps (příušnice), scarlet fever (spála)
I think that everyone had a flu once in their live. ETC. Lots of people catch a flu in autumn or early in spring. Light diseases like flu, can be treated at home. You must stay in bed, take medicaments like drops and pills. We should drink a lot of water or herbal tea. More complicated diseases must be treated in hospital.
Other diseases are tonsillitis, headache, sore throat, pneumonia and allergy. Today a lots of people suffer from allergies. We can be allergic to animals, flowers and dust.
Terminally diseases are cancer, AIDS.
We know several types of doctors: a general practitioner, a dentist, a psychiatrist, surgeon
When I am ill, I visit my GP. First, I have to wait in the waiting room. Then I am called in and the nurse give me my medical record and with medical record I go to the doctor surgery. The doctor asks What´s the matter and then she examines what hurts me. Then my doctor prescribes me some medicine. I go back to the nurse and I pay charge its 30 crowns, because I am 18 years old.