The Weather and the Seasons of the year
1) The weather in Great Britain
In Britain the weather is very changeable. It rain a lot, but the sun often shines too. Winters can be fairly cold with an average temperature of 5 centrigrades in the south, it often snows there.
Summers can be cold or warm but the temperature does not usually go above 30. It is often cloudy and they are sometimes grey skies. Days are long in summer and short in winter. They is sometimes fog but not so often as foreigners think. British people never know what tommorow’s wheather will be like.
The climate in England is milder than in order European countries and it is often the subjekt of much talk. English people often complain of the weather and say the climate is damp and rainy.
The south of England is especially lovely. In the northern part of England and in Scotland summer are a little colder than in the southern part. Children like winters very much because snow is great fun for them
2) The weather in the Czech Republic
In the CR there is continental type of climate. There are some differences between CR and GB. Our summer are a little warmer and winters are colder. The highest temperatures are in July and August, they are from 25 till 30 centigrades, sometimes about 35 centrigrades. In winter its snows and freezes. January is usually the coldest month of the year. Winter temperatures are bellow freezing point from 5 till 10 centigrades. Sometimes the temperature is even 15 or 20 centigrades bellow freezing point but it doesnt last long. In autumn it is foggy in the morning and windy during day. The average temperature is 9.8 centigrades in Czech Republic
3) The seasons of the year
There are four seasons of the year – spring, summer, autumn and winter
In spring nature returnes to live, vegetation grows rapidly because there is a lot of sunshine and rain.
In summer it is usually very hot in our country and it is the best season for students because they have two month holiday. They can go for walks or trip, they can swimm in rivers or lakes. Students also také part in some woluntary work e. g. in factories, shops or aqriculture
In autumn is the season of windy and chilly days, but sometimes there is fine wheather even in October In winter the weather is cold. It often freezes, the ponds and rivers are frozen over and they are full of skaters. Childern throw snowable, build snowmans, ski or skate.