Denní rutina – anglicky
For each of us time means anything else and our daily programmes cannot be the same and be strictly determined in an equal way. „Use your time in the best way each day!“ the saying goes and this should probably be accepted by everybody.
Each of my days is full of work and duties; therefore I am always busy and short of time. This „merry-go-round“ starts on Monday morning and ends on Friday evening.
I usually get up at a quarter to seven, but it is a big problem for me, because a like to sleep late. First I wash my face, have a shower and dry with a towel, comb my hair and make my face. Than I decide what to wear. I have to think about this, so sometimes it takes more time, because it is hard for me to think in the early morning. While I doing these activities my boyfriend Felik washes his face, gets dressed and prepared our breakfast. We have usually one or two slice of bread with butter and honey. It is homemade honey from Felik´s father. His father is a beekeeper. While we have breakfast we talk about common things as what we will do at work, what we will do after work and so on. After breakfast we brush our teeth. While brushing my teeth I decide which beads and earrings to take. I have many of them, various colours and forms. I like to have congruous clothes and accessory in one colour or in the same style. Before our leaving I prepare small snack as an yoghurt, a slice of bread with ham or cheese, vegetables or fruits.
At half past seven we leave our flat and go to work together with Felik. I do not have to go by bus, trolley-bus or tram, because I live about 500 metres from my place of work.
Let’s talk about my working day:
I work as a Personal Consultant in a Personal Company. I have four clients – companies and for them I search for suitable candidates. We offer further services in HR processes.
We have our office in five floor, we have a choice to go by a lift or go up the stairs. I endeavour to go up the stairs, but sometimes I have a heavy backpack with a laptop or just I have a small energy so I decide to choose a lift.
My working days are almost same except Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every morning I get off my coat or jacket, switch on my laptop and prepare a green tea. While drinking the tea I have a talk with my colleagues. We are five including our Branch Manager in our office. We talk about our work, news in our country and world, and sometimes about our boyfriends and “girl’s” problems. These problems are not intelligible to our colleague Marek, he thinks “girls and their problems”. While talking I have emails downloaded, it takes about five minutes. Then I do following activities, which I can divide into:
- Working with my clients:
- Communicate with them about sent CV´s of candidates – if they are suitable for apply position, g. if client would like to see them, which criteria they meet or not meet with
- I find out feedback from interviews between the client and the candidate. I. g. how was course of interview, what is good or bad candidate’s features, how many candidates they have on this positions (from other agencies, their sources…) and of course what is the result – if they are interested in my candidate or if they would like to see further candidates.
- I find out if we could offer them other services in HR processes every month
- Or we just specify criteria for filled positions and discuss difficulties of recruiting
- Working with candidates:
- Searching for suitable candidates in our database or at working servers – offering them the positions, present them the company and tell them some basic facts about position.
- interviews with candidates in our interviewing room
- Presenting them to my clients – it means find out all necessary information about candidate, do the interview with him and prepare a report about him which I send to the client
- Keep communication between candidate and me during the hiring process
Another my working activities are meetings with my clients and new clients, participating in advertising our company and our clients, cooperation with my colleagues on larger projects and so one.
We usually go for a lunch in a half past eleven. We go to a restaurant Potrefená Husa, where they have daily menu – two kind of dish. If I do not go to a restaurant I usually buy some fresh baguette with vegetables and an ermine or some salad in Slunečnice. It is a restaurant with healthy or bio food. After our comeback from lunch to the office we make a coffee and start working again. The working hours is from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. but sometimes I have to come earlier or stay longer because of candidates who can not come in our working hours or when I am very busy and I need finish work in a few days.
On my way from work I sometimes do some small shopping, buy bread and some kind of butter or something what I need to prepare a dinner. When I come home I prepare dinner for Felik, our roommate and me except two days in a week. In these days I go to fitness after work. After our dinner we go to the spinning lessons on Wednesdays and sometimes on Sundays.
As I said above Tuesdays and Thursdays are different from other working days. We have business English lessons durative one hour and thirty minutes on Tuesday. Than I have own lesson in English, where we talk about common things. On Thursday I go to school on my external studies. I have to commute to Prague, because I have been living in Pilsen since June 2006. My lessons start at ten minutes after one p.m. and finish at seven o’clock p.m. The lesson is forty five minutes long and breaks are ten minutes, except one long break between third and fourth lessons, which is twenty minutes long. I go to the shopping from time to time on my return journey to Pilsen. Than I need not to wait for a bus and fill my free time with this activity.
The evenings after our daily activities are almost the same although we try to do different things and not to be stereotype. We go for a walk in Pilsen on in surroundings of Pilsen, go skating, go to the cinema or go to a pub. From time to time I travel to the city and go to the club, cinema or to some interesting concert or theatre performance with my friends. When we decide to stay at home, we watch TV, read or study. The best evening activity for me is projection of films. We have a projector. I prepare diner and some refreshments, open a bottle of wine than we start with projecting of selected film and enjoy our evening. After that we take a shower, brush our teeth and go to sleep.
I am very happy when the week ends and a weekend comes. I can plan my leisure time as I wish and I can relax. Every second weekend I go to Poděbrady, where I have my family and my best friend Zuzka. I usually go out with her in the evening. When I don’t go to Poděbrady, I go to Prachatice with Felik, where his family live
The other point about spending our time is effective set-up of a day. Time is very valuable and fast-running thing, so we should not waste it. I try to keep this „rules“ : Do the most important things first. Secondly, do not plan many things to do as you can be then disappointed when you do not realise them. And the last one: do one thing after you had finished the previous one. But of course, even if we make a good plan for a day, we can not avoid stress situations at work, at home or even in a bus while travelling somewhere. Well, we, in these situations, should stay calm, not be angry with someone for no reason and try to solve the problem together. There are also different techniques to get rid of stress. Somebody, for example, relaxes by listening to music, reading or doing some sport activity and somebody else may try things like yoga or meditation. Each of us has to find own method to get into right mood.
In summary, I could say that we, ourselves, are Masters of our own time, so it is always up to us what we work out of it.