Health and diseases. Seeing a doctor.
People should keep a certain way of living. Very important are sports, movement in the fresh air, healthy food and sleeping.
People who know nothing about diseases, doctors and hospitals can be happy. We should treasure our health. Already by the children we should be particular about the lifestyle, regular eating, movement in the fresh air, long sleep and the right utilization of the free time. Sport is very important for the older boys and girls and of course for adults, too. Very good is swimming, walking or regular exercising. People say: there lives a healthy soul in a healthy body.
There are various types of diseases – slight or serious, infectious, curable but incurable, too. Slight illnesses are for example a cold, a cough, a sore throat or a headache. When we do not have a fever but just a raised temperature we do not have to go to a doctor. We drink warm tea with lemon and honey, are in bed and we sweat. To the serious diseases belongs for example diabetes, pneumonia, cancer or AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
Almost every child has ever gone through various children´s ailments, such as measles, rubella, varicella, mumps or scorch. These illnesses are mostly infectious. Earlier have also appeared polio and decline (tuberculosis) but nowadays children are vaccinated against these illnesses.
In today´s society many people suffer from civilization diseases, especially from cancer, heart attack, stroke and AIDS. Many older people suffer from atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and rheumatism.
When we have some health problems, we should see our doctor. When we come in the ordination, the doctor asks about our problems, he examines us, takes the temperature, measures the blood pressure and gives us eventually a prescription. Then we go to the chemist´s to collect medicines. Some medicines are free of charge, others we have to pay.
With a serious disease or an injury we have to be in the hospital. There are many wards in the hospital. For example internal ward, surgery, children´s ward, infection ward or maternity ward.
Every morning comes the doctor´s round, doctors go from bed to bed and they ask every patient about (after) his health. Nurses take their temperature, give them medicines or inject them. When we are healthy, we go home. Sometimes we get a prescription and we have to see our general doctor.
I was in the hospital three times. Once when I was 15 or 16 and twice when I was one year old. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I had a colon irritation. (I had a belly ache.) But I like the hospital. I was in the children´s ward and the walls were coloured (fancy), with many pictures and the nurses were very nice. I didn´t want to go home from there.
And when I was 1 year old I had pneumonia and I had to stay twice at the hospital. But I can´t remember it.
Our health is possibly the most important thing in our life, so we must take good care of it.
- úvod
- lidé, kteří nic neví o…, už u dětí, sport, ve zdravém těle…
- různé typy + lehké, vážné
- dětské
- civilizační
- seeing a doctor
- hospital (oddělení, vizita, po uzdravení)
- já a nemocnice (dvakrát – zánět střeva, hezký pobyt + 2x zápal plic)