British and American literature
England contributed to the literature especially with drama and novel, British writers were successful in novel and in satire.
The first important work was the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.
The worlds greatest and most known dramatics came also from England. It wasn’t anyone else than William Shakespeare known of his comedies just like Midsummer night’s dream then tragedies Romeo and Juliet or Othello and of course historical plays Richard III. We should also know the name of his wife. It was Anna Hathaway. The next writer is the Irish man Jonathan Swift who is known for his satire Gulliver´s travel. At this period appear also the journalist, poet and historical Daniel Defoe with his famous novel Robinson Crusoe. In the 19th century we can describe romanticism and later critical realism . The romanticism is represented namely by two poets Georg Gordon Byron with his Childe Harrod´s Pilgrimage and Percy Byshe Shelley with Prometheus Unbounded . Among critical realists belong Charles Dickens with Pickwick´s papers, Oliver Twist or David Copperfield than Bronte sisters and William Makepeace Thackeray .
We can place here also G. B Shaw, Samuel Becket with Waiting for Goddot and much more.
American literature became known in the 19th century when started appear E. A. Poe with his Raven and Mark Twain with Adventures of Tom Sawyer and adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In the 20th century appeared war novel Ernst Hamingway, Josef Heller with his Catch 22 and for example Norman Mailer. Than we can place here also Arthur Hailey who wrote especially Political fiction just like The Airport, The Hotel or The Wheels. I should also bring up the Beatniks namely the most known Jack Kerouac and his work On the road.. About me I like sci-fi book where authors think about the future of civilisation and I like Arthur C. Clarke.