Great Britain
- area: 244 000 SQ Km
- 57 milion people
- density 235 person/SQ Km
- 2% imigrants from Asia
- 90% of inhabitans live in towns
- London: – City of London 5,5 milion people
– Greater London 10 milion people
- 57% Anglican church
- 13% Roman catholic church
- 10% Islanic¨
System of Government:
- parliament is devided ino two houses: House of Lords and House of Commons
- England is a Monarchy – official head is queen or king
- official language is English language
- in Wales people speek Welsh
- in Scotland they speek Gaelic languages
- in Ireland they speek Irish galic language
- Isle of Man people speek Manx (old celthic language)
Land Surface:
- Islands: Wight, Man, Hebrides, Orkneys, Shetlands, Channel Islands
- Peninsulas: Cornwac peninsula
- Mountains: Grampian mountains – highest mountain Ben Nevis (1343 m.), Pennine Range, Cambrian Mts., Caledonian Mts.
- Rivers: The Thames, Severn, Trent, Tweed, Dee, Avon
- Lakes: England – Coniston, Ulls Water, Windermare
Scotland – Loch Ness, Lock Lomond
Climate: – climate is oceanic influented by Golf Stream
- Energy: 75% thermal power stations
26% nuclear power stations
- Metalurgy: irone and steel (center of metalurgy is in Highlands)
- Engeneering: – transport equipments
– cars: Vauxhall – Rolls Royce
– shipbuilding: Glasgow, Portsmouth, Liverpool
– aircraft: Isle of Wight, Luton
– Chemicals: – processing of oil (North Sea)
– raffineries: Kingston, Fawley, Milford Haven
– cosmetics and pharmacy – London, Midlands
– destileries – Scotland – Glenfiddich
England – Berweries – London, Birmingham, Edinbourg
- 9% forest
- 75% arriable land
- animal production: cattle, sheep, pigs, polutry
- crops: wheat, barley, shugar beat, potatoes
Interesting Places in United Kingdom
Tower of London: castle with crown jewels
St. Pauls Cathedral – second biggest cathedral in the world and center of Anglican church
Tower Bridge – built in 1883, last bridge on Thames
London Bridge – oldest bridge in London
Monument – on the memory on the big fire in London
Westminster Abbey – all kings and queen of Britain were crowned there
– many famous people and kings asr burried there
Houses of Parliamen: – two towers (Big Ben and Victoria Tower) and one hall
Buckingham Palace – seat of royal family from year 1840
Trafalgar Square – statue of Horatio Nelson and National Galery
Picadelly circus and laicester Square – two interesting places
China Town – very interesting are gates of China town
Museums : Madam Tussaud, British museum, National galery, Museum of London, National historical museum
Castles and churches: England: Winsdor church, Hampton court,
Scotland: Stirling, Edinbourg
-95% of all churches are catholic churches
Monuments: Stonehenge, Stirling bridge
Loch Ness – one big atraction
Interesting places:
- Oxford, Cambridge and St. Andrews – university towns
- York, Bath, Banockburn, Falkirk
- Cantenbury – cathedral, museum, Marlowe theatre
- Dover – White clifs, Dover castle – Key To England