Životopis a průvodní dopis – anglicky
Personal Details
Date of Birth:
Marital status: single
Nationality: Czech
- VSA College Brno, Public relations, will be finished this summer with leaving examination and title DiS.
1999-2003 High school of transport , Krnov – leaving examination from subjects : Czech
language, Accounting, Transport, Air transport and Theory of custom
Work Experience
December 2005 – now Mediaservis Brno – supervisor in call centre
Apríl 2005 – november 2005 Mediaservis Brno – operator in call centre
Juny – October 2004 Family hotel, Zlaté Hory – waitress
Languages – English, German
IT skills – Office programmes, MS Windows, MS Excel, Internet
Other relevant skills – driving licence type B
sport (squash, mountain bike, skate, swim)
non-fiction literature
14.03. 2006 Hana Pavelková
Průvodní dopis v angličtině
John Green
84 King Street
Manchester MH4 2LM
Mrs Jennifer Clive
Personnel Officer
79 Thorpe Way
Manchester MN2 5GT
26 April 1999
Dear Mrs Clive,
I am writing to apply for the position of Customer Service Manager which was advertised last week in the Financial Times.
Though I am employed at present, I would particularly welcome the chance to work for your company because I am very interested in the field in which TECHPRODUCTS plc works. As you will notice on my enclosed curriculum vitae, the job you are offering matches my personal and professional interests.
I am sure that my understanding of customers‘ needs and expectations would be relevant to the position as well as my sense of humour and reliability.
I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you at an interview. Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,