Pillsner Urguell – anglicky
Pilsner Urquell prosperity
Good morning, ladies and gentlman. I´m glad that you have all come to my presentation a I hope it will be at least little interesting for you and you take some information from my speech or it attract you.
My name is Radka Maťková.
I have taken the theme from the branch, which is in my opinion connected with economic as for trade-mainly foreign trade and export and production of amount quality drink beer.
One of the reason was the text in our textbook about beer Quinness, the next reason would be my interest in music, which is connected with Pilsner Fests. It is also economical point or factor, because it allowed to many people through these concerts visit music groups, which could be in other way expensive for us. I’ve found beer as bitter beverage, but in substance it isn’t as disgusting drink as I have thought till now. In addition it is generally said : it is good for health in small potions. Brewery has undoubtedly a long tradition in the Czech Republic and we are known in the world due to this feature. When I was in England in host family last year they were very pleased with glasses of our beer from me..And we are from Pilsen-cradle of brewery, that is why we should know something about origin of beer. I’m from Domažlice and there was founded brewery factory in the half of the 14th century but it has broken and this year on the place of former factory the town enabled building of the 4th supermarket in the town, because they judge it will be more lucrative for us.
First I would like to start with summary of development of brewer industry.
Than we will move to some information from brewery market from international aspect and current state of brewer industry in our republic.
In the main part my intention will be directed to Pilsner Urquell history and flourishment. In the end we can move to technology of beer production, maybe you can express your opinoin or experiences from Pilsner Fests and as conclusion I have surprise for anybody who firstly solves the crossword – in the crossward are some facts of my speech.
1)Beer has been mankind’s companion since ancient times.
The first references to beer come from Mesopotamia from the 10th century BC. In the 7th century BC people cultivated grain and were probably also familiar with grain-fermented material. But historians sometimes say that beer was firstly brewed in China, because this country is originally land of planting of hops. The expansion of brewing also Egypt signed and the 1st written document about brewing comes from the 4th century BC. The 1st punishments were appeared in Chamurapi Code from the 18th century BC. Somebody could be punished for breaching law of brewing and falsification of brewing. (The punishments was shaving heads, pillorying in a public place, drowning or even capital punishment.) Tradition of brewing in our country comes from the period of great migration of nations, when Slavic nations brought tasting of this drink with hops from Eastern.
The first refrences of planting of hops come from 10th century AD. The 11th and the 12th century and really all Midle Ages are the period of great expansion in beer production, when brewing beer became a lucrative ocupation for many towns. The first towns, where was brewing industry, are Hodonín, Brno, Kroměříž, Znojmo or Olomouc.
2) Market of beer from international aspect, state of brewer industry in our republic.
On the average everybody on the world drinks more than 20 litres beer per year and popularity of beer is increasing. The world production is getting higher and beer’s consumption is more higher than earlier. (Last year was drunk 220 mld litres beer in the world. Its production was provided by 5000 brewer factories, beer was sold in 15 000 various brands and especially production of beer in consumer package (in bottles and tins or cans) has raised. On the top of the world producers is Europe and Amerika, each of these continents products 430 mil hl of beer per year), after them is Asia and than Afrika and the last is Australia. When comparing the biggest companies we get this top ten and it is interesting the Czech Republic would be on the 16th place with 18 mil hl beer production of beer per year.
As for production of beer per 1 person is the CR on the 1st place with 179 l/head, than German 140 l/inhabitant, Great Britain 100 l/inhabitant. The Czechs are also on the 1st place in beer consumption per one person – 165 l/inhabitant, following are the Germans 147 l /inhabitant and the 3rd are the Danes 130 l/inhabitant .Traditionally significiant consumers are also the Austrians, the British, the Australians and the Americans….
In the last 5 years 13 brewer enterprices have finished its production and the same figure has vague or dark future in our country. Nowadays is only less than 50 brewer plants fully producing. Our market order 5 main companies – Pilsen brewer shareholder company. Radegast Group shareholder company, Prague brewer shareholder company, Moravia-silesian brewer shareholder company and South-Czech brewer shareholder company . There are further about 20 minibrewer factories in the Czech Republic, which enrich our market with yeasty beer. Special yeasty beer is more required.
3) Pilsner Urquell history and flourishment.
The first beer was brewed in Pilsen immediately after the city’s foundation in the 1st half of the 13th century. King Wenceslaus II. granted brewing rights 260 Pilsen burghers. The quality differentiate greatly due to the various technologies employed and use of the diverse ingredients.
In the year 1838 the poor quality of Pilsen beer caused the Právovarečné Měšťanstvo
( Licensed Bourgeoisie) decide to jointly build a new, modern brewery. In the new brewery , the brewer Josef Groll produced a beer by using a new method of bottom-fermented lager. He used firstly this method on the 5th of October 1842. The beer has been brewed according to his receipt so far and the brewery commemorates the first brew , known as Pilsner Fest. In the year 1898 the „Pilsner Urquell“ trademark was established. Cognizance or awareness about individuality and unique quality of Pilsner Urquell has arisen in the period between the 1st and the 2nd world war. This time was very successful for brewer factory and it had representation in 34 countries from all over the world. In the 20th century the Pilsner Urquell brand became synonymous with quality throughout the entire world.
The group of Pilsner Urquell is leading brewer company in the middle and eastern Europe. It has the biggest production and it is the greatest exporter of beer. Nowadays Pilsner expors to 50 countries on the world. Pilsner Urquell isn’t only product – another products are Gambrinus, Radegast, Primus, Velkopopovický Kozel, Šariš and Smädný mnich, Pilsner sparkling wine, wine Signum Valticum or new speciality Frisco.
This group became in 1999 a member of the 2nd biggest international brewer company on the world – it has residence in South Africa in Johannesburg and here is the view of another countries and brands of beer, which belong to this company. Its name is in crossword.
The main aim of Pilsner Urquell is undoubtedly getting among the best firms in this branch on the world. One of the ways, how to satisfy raising demand of this beer in the world, is licence production. Licence production succesfully use brands as Guinness, Heineken, Stella Artois and Pilsner Urquell is the first Czech brewery, which has chosen this strategy. Brewer company in Tychy in Poland got this year licence. One of the reason is the fact, that there are very similar copper and technological equipment as in Pilsen, or the next important advantage is that brewer in Tychy and in Poznaň belong to company in South Afrika too. There were many strict and exact rules to become licence – for example – they must modify the water for production to be soft and with the same charackteristic features as in Pilsen.
During the last years Poland noted high increas of absolut consumption of beer. They are the 5th in Europe. Their speciality is heated beer. Beer is becoming stronger position as modern beverage due to changing life style of the Poles. Export of Pilsner Urquell onto Polish market is getting 2 times higher every year. The licence production has for us economical effects, because average price of beer is in Poland 25 crowns and visitors in Warsaw restaurants can pay for very good brands as Pilsner Urquell till 100 crowns. It is convenience for uy , because it results in rapid reduce of coasts, transport and distribution coasts and it eliminates custom duties. The second company, which has got the licence, was Russian brewer company Kaluga.
4) Technology of beer production.
On this graph you can see the plan of production process. The key materials are soft water, Žatec hops, malt from barley and yeast. These ingredients are gradually added to crushed malt, than the created wort must go through fermantation and matur process last for 6 week sometimes 3 months unlike many other beer whose production time is only 16 days or it matures even only 3 hours. In the end the filtered beer follow to the bottling process or it is racked in the barrels, tanks, in the cans.
If you notice, the magazine Za branou is the special periodical magazine from Pilsner brewer company and there are the actually information and one of them is the fact that Pilsner Urquell was sold to Japanese company. New owner is Tomino Ocamura, but I couldn’t find more information about it. Here is the reward for winner.
It’s all and thank you for listening..
Radka Maťková
- 10. 2004
The crossword
- country- the 2nd biggest international brewer company -comes from
- brand of beer, which has the greatest volume of export all over the world
- another expression for the word drink
- key source for brewing process
- new product of pilsner Urquell’s production
- brewer, according to his receipt beer has been brewed till this time
- –
- speciality in Poland
- country, which has the licence to brew Pilsner Urquell
- country, where Kompania Piwowarska is the leading brewing company
- –
- land, first brewing experiments could also come from
the key word: the name of the company, Pilsner Urquell forms the flag-ship for it